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Jeff Jensen: Navigating Culture
The biblical narrative profoundly shapes how we interact with culture.
Lou Huesmann: Only Part of Your Identity is Work
Work is one fragment of what it means to be human.
Jeff Jensen: Learning to Hope through Loss
The church community is what helped him hope in the wake of death.
Rest and Sabbath
In a workaholic culture, why should the church talk about work?
Big Things Could Happen
How can churches better engage entrepreneurs?
Do Well and Do Good
How does Christian faith play out in Silicon Valley?
Work as Formation
The founder of a toy company explores how his work impacts his spiritual life.
The Spiritual Lives of Entrepreneurs: Introduction
Praxis CEO David Blanchard discusses equipping young entrepreneurs.
Skye Jethani: What We Do Now Matters
How we view the future determines the value we place on vocation.
AJ Sherrill: Sacred Ordinariness
The ministry of reconciliation is not just for the elite.
Kate Harris: Cultivating Attentiveness
Learning to see the heart of God in our work.
AJ Sherrill: The Importance of Imagination
The church should empower curiosity and foster imagination...but does it?
AJ Sherrill: The Eucharist and Vocation
The Eucharist may happen on Sunday, but it calls and equips us for Monday.
Kate Harris: The Greatness of God
Why the greatness of God is essential to navigating and enduring the toil of work.
Tom Nelson: What the World Needs Now Is Jobs Sweet Jobs
Work itself is changing and jobs matter.
Tom Nelson: The Good Samaritan
Neighborly love requires Christlike compassion and financial capacity.
Tom Nelson: Two Essential Threads to Renewed Faithfulness in Partnership with City and Ministry
In order to demonstrate Christlike compassion and promote economic capacity, Christians need to develop a robust theology that informs life more fully as well as a robust theology of economic flourishing.
Lisa Slayton: Q & A - Ministering to Millennials
For millennials who graduate and can't get their dream job, Lisa Slayton reminds them that it's okay to be faithful in the small things and build a book of experience that will serve them in later pursuits.
Lisa Slayton: Q & A - The Stewardship of Work
How do we get people to think of work beyond self-fulfillment and recognize the larger economy and the stewardship of vocation?
Clint Hurdle: Q & A - Servant Leadership
Pittsburgh Pirates' manager, Clint Hurdle, points to Jesus' example of servant leadership as the leadership style he aspires to emulate.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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