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Andy Crouch: The Honesty of Artists
The practice of any vocation at the highest level requires honesty.
Andy Crouch: Contemplating or Exploiting
If you get art right, you'll get all of culture right.
Andy Crouch: What Is Art?
Even though the artful aspects of human life are useless, they are essential.
Andy Crouch and Tom Nelson: Q & A - Theology of Suffering
It's easy to make work matter when we love our jobs. What if we hate them?
Andy Crouch and Tom Nelson: Q & A - Discipleship Geared Toward College Students
What do discipleship pathways look like for college campuses and students?
Andy Crouch and Tom Nelson: Q & A - Leading Upward
How can people who are not pastors lead upward?
Andy Crouch and Tom Nelson: Q & A - Theology of Work
Why don't more churches proclaim a theology that celebrates vocation?
Tom Nelson: Liturgy That Affirms Work
What does Sunday liturgy look like when it celebrates vocation?
Tom Nelson: The Hidden Years of Jesus
From age 12 to 30, Jesus spent time in a carpenter shop. What does that mean for us?
Tom Nelson: The Biblical Definition of Work
"Vocation is at the heart of it."
Tom Nelson: Beginning with Vocation
We have an integral God who is an integral worker.
Tom Nelson: A Robust Theology That Informs Work
We must understand the centrality of a robust theology that informs our lives and vocations.
Andy Crouch: How Will the Image Be Restored?
Restoring the image requires Christians to engage with and create culture.
Andy Crouch: All Flourishing Requires Risk
Are you an image bearer, or are you in poverty, safety or idolatry?
Andy Crouch: Authority and Vulnerability
Ideal image-bearing is a balance of authority and vulnerability.
Andy Crouch: Image-bearing Leads to Flourishing
The world that God creates is filled with potential, and it is waiting for image-bearing.
Andy Crouch: The Missing Chapters
How Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 21-22 are vital to understanding the relationship between work and culture.
Andy Crouch: The Definition of Culture
Culture is the fruit of the human quest for meaning in the world.
Lou Huesmann: Changing the Scorecard
How one pastor is learning to steward Christian vocation.
Amy Sherman: Three Reasons Why Faith and Work Conversations Matter
Discipleship, generational faith, and the importance of work as integral in our lives.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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