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Tim Keller Reasons with America
The New York pastor explains why he's taking his ministry model on the road.
The Christian Pop Cultures of Rapture Ready
Writer Daniel Radosh explores the heavy-handed evangelists, the art snobs, the money changers, and others who make up the Christian entertainment industry.
Q&A: Frank Wolf
Wolf recently formed the House of Representatives' Caucus on Religious Minorities in the Middle East with Anna Eshoo.
Surveying the Whole to See the Parts
Tom Schreiner's New Testament Theology searches for Scripture's unifying themes.
Aiding China's Shaken Church
Franklin Graham discusses outreach after the Sichuan earthquake.
Unexpected Dialogue
Why is a former Chinese official talking to Luis Palau?
No Place for Complacency
David Wells on The Courage to Be Protestant.
Becoming Caspian
Ben Barnes is playing the part of a storybook hero he's loved since he was a kid—but now he's got to figure out how to deal with being a teen idol himself.
Catching Up With ...John Schlitt
The veteran singer/songwriter talks about life after Petra, which includes selling houses and releasing his third solo album.
Hungry for Jesus
A Chinese pastor on how he was 'called out of Egypt' to a thriving urban ministry.
The Weight of Story
Director Andrew Adamson, whose latest Narnia movie, Prince Caspian, releases to theaters next week, fully feels the burden to get it just right.
Behind the Idols (part two)
"Higher Power"
Why She Sings
Contrary to what some people say, the legendary Dionne Warwick got her start in gospel music and says she has never abandoned her faith or her church.
Q&A: Daniel B. Wallace
On his organization's ancient New Testament manuscript haul in Albania.
The CEO Who Takes Greek Exegesis
The experience of Zondervan's new head, Maureen 'Moe' Girkins, hints at the future of Christian publishing.
Where Jim Wallis Stands
The longtime activist on abortion, gay marriage, Iraq — and biblical orthodoxy.
Ben Stein Is Expelled!
The TV and movie personality takes on Darwinism and evolution in a new documentary about Intelligent Design—and academic freedom.
'A Poorer Story, but a Better Movie'
So says Douglas Gresham, C. S. Lewis's stepson and producer of the upcoming Prince Caspian, in comparing it to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
Do the Democrats Have a Prayer Yet?
Amy Sullivan explains how the Democrats alienated evangelicals and are trying to win them back.

Top Story July 30, 2024

In Asian American Churches, Generational Differences Deter Young Leaders
In Asian American Churches, Generational Differences Deter Young Leaders
Survey: Majority Asian churches are half as likely to have leaders under 30.

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