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Life Lessons From Zombies
The undead can teach us a lot about ourselves, says a writer from SyFy’s new 'Z Nation.'
Michael Lindsay: Go Where Decisions Are Made
A Christian college president’s take on power, influence, and the habits of highly successful people.
Meet the Failed Pastor Who Ministers to Other Failed Pastors
J. R. Briggs sympathizes with church leaders who don't live up to expectations.
'The Virgins' Are On Their Way
Matt Wilson never stopped wanting to make a movie about Christians. Just not a 'Christian' movie.
How to Avoid the Church's 'Hero Culture'
Chuck DeGroat reveals his strategy for spiritual health while ministering to difficult people.
Andy Stanley: Assume People Are Biblically Illiterate (But Not Dumb)
The North Point pastor says the way we teach Scripture can undermine evangelism.
It Takes More Than a Swank Coffee Shop to Reach Millennials
Journalist-author Naomi Schaefer Riley sorts out what will draw young adults back to the faith.
Prayer, Dark Mysticism, and Flannery: A Conversation with Scott Derrickson
The director of 'Deliver Us From Evil'—and Marvel's pick for 'Dr. Strange'—talks about faith, evil, and why he makes horror movies.
It's Never Too Late to Become a Great Dad
Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly has an encouraging message for fathers: You’re not defined by your past.
Tim Keller: Emotion Isn't the Caboose to Faith
Tim Keller says Christianity needs to make emotional sense before it can make rational sense.
Letting Scripture Interrupt You
When a verse or passage grabs your attention, don't be afraid to stop and ask why.
Why the World Is Becoming More Violent
Sociologist Rodney Stark unearths why global religious hostility is on the rise.
Andrew White: Being Jesus in the Kill Zone
Amid Baghdad’s daily carnage, 2014 Wilberforce Award winner models reconciliation to Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
Arguing Against the 'Argument Culture'
Tim Muehlhoff discusses the art of civil, Christlike conversation.
Why Muslims Are Becoming the Best Evangelists
Missiologist Dave Garrison documents global surge in Muslims leading Muslims to Christ. He calls it, “Unprecedented.”
The Book of Common Prayer Is Still a Big Deal
Alan Jacobs explains why the nearly 500-year-old Anglican prayer book retains its influence, and why it should appeal even to (non-Anglican) evangelicals.
Faith for the Post-Christian Heart: A Conversation with Francis Spufford
For the UK writer, Christianity must first make sense in the realm of lived experience.
Poverty Is a Moral Problem
Development economist William Easterly says too much aid undermines the rights of the poor.
Kay Warren: A Year of Grieving Dangerously
One year after the suicide of her son, she shares her story of grief, mystery, and hope.
Darren Aronofsky Talks to CT about 'Noah'
Raised culturally Jewish, the independent filmmaker has created a midrash for the big screen.

Top Story July 28, 2024

A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
Fifty years ago, the Lausanne Covenant’s solution to rampant division in evangelical ranks wasn’t uniformity.

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