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Al Gore, Preacher Man
With the urgency of a Baptist preacher with a judgment day sermon, the former politician is spreading the bad news of global warming—including in a new film. Christians would do well to listen up.
Travel Writing from the Afterlife
If the Bible doesn't quench your curiosity on what it's like in heaven and hell, we have two new firsthand accounts.
Very Important Fiction
The Gospel according to The New York Times Book Review
The Jesus Dynasty: How to Explain Away the New Testament
James Tabor's historical assumptions that reject God's activity on Earth force him into odd arguments to explain the birth of Christianity.
A Code to Consider
Christians have invested plenty of energy and creativity in debunking and debating The Da Vinci Code
Da Vinci Dialogue Heats Up
A commentary last week suggested that Christians "othercott" The Da Vinci Code, arguing that engaging the film is akin to debating with the Devil. Then wham!, the e-mails came rushing in.
Let's "Othercott" Da Vinci
Many Christians see The Da Vinci Code as an opportunity for evangelism; others say it's a chance to engage the culture. Rubbish.Da Vinci is dangerous, so I'd like to suggest a better alternative.
A Good Preacher Is Hard to Find
Post-Rapture Radio
Dan Brown's Gift to the Church
Rather than ignore or boycott The Da Vinci Code, Christians now have a great opportunity to share their faith—and to sharpen their own beliefs in the process.
Down with Da Vinci!
I can't think of a better way to respond to the upcoming movie,The Da Vinci Code
American Theocrat
Richard John Neuhaus, Catholic political ambitions, and the evangelical pawns.
A Passionate Moses
In a new TV version of The Ten Commandments, Dougray Scott plays a Moses who's not afraid to show his emotions. Despite some fabrications, the 2-part miniseries is reasonably faithful to the Bible's account.
Something Old, Something New
Archbishop wants Christians, left and right, to learn from church history.
My Dirty Little Former Secret
God used a movie about gay cowboys to release me from the burden of my past.
Angels, Cowboys, and Christians
From Wings of Desire to his most recent film, Don't Come Knocking, German director Wim Wenders takes viewers on spiritual journeys through differing perspectives.
Those Bleeping Lyrics
Christian artists have occasionally used strong language, and even the rare profanity, in their songwriting. Can that form of self-expression be reconciled with our faith?
Worship Music Overkill?
The praise-and-worship music craze has apparently worn out its welcome with many of our readers, who definitely agree that record labels shouldn't require their artists to do it.
From Ace to the Almighty
Director Tom Shadyac, a Christian best known for his mega-hit Bruce Almighty, has come a long way since Ace Ventura. Here, we take a look at Shadyac's faith and films.
Divine Comedy at the Cineplex
We all love movies that make us laugh, even in the worst of times—and from Annie Hall to Blazing Saddles to The Big Lebowski, there's good theology behind that.
For Sentimental Reasons
How the emotional stories of Christian preachers and writers shaped a movement.

Top Story July 28, 2024

A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
Fifty years ago, the Lausanne Covenant’s solution to rampant division in evangelical ranks wasn’t uniformity.

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