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Waffles and Discipleship
The Transformative Power of Need
Reignite Your Faith, Reawaken Your Church
Leading voices on revival, renewal, and joy.
Wonder Worth Wrestling For
How to keep God at the heart of worship.
Journey Within
3 Spiritual Habits for Tired Pastors
Pursue joy and presence in your ministry.
Uncommon Wisdom for Common Needs
Practical steps for integrating monastic rhythms into ministry.
The Road from Exhaustion to Enchantment
11 questions that could transform your life and ministry.
Recapturing Wonder in a Cynical Age
How pastors can reconnect with joy in challenging times.
Hopelessness Ruins Us
The Weight of Unending Weariness
El insólito testimonio de la primera apóstol
Dios derramó su gracia sobre María Magdalena y le dio una historia que proclamar.
Comment défendre sa foi sur le continent le plus chrétien du monde ?
Apologetics in Africa offre des réponses aux croyants comme aux sceptiques dans un contexte où les églises restent largement sous-équipées pour répondre aux attaques contre leur foi.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Prison Fellowship
Doing Time With Mom and Dad
How churches can help kids begin to heal.
Dios usa los cambios climáticos para transformar sociedades
Tanto en la Biblia como en la historia, las crisis de la creación pueden conducir a la reforma.
Sports Can Be a Touchdown for Faith. Beware of Encroachment.
As a lifelong athlete and coach, I know sports build character. But I worry about the idolatrous, selfish culture of American athletics.
인도네시아에서 밝은색의 피부를 선호함에 따라 일부 기독교인들이 이에 반발하고 있다.
사회에 확고히 자리 잡은 색차별주의에 반대하는 신자들이 성경에서 여성의 자존감을 어떻게 재정의하는지 말한다.
Seu trabalho é importante para Deus porque você é importante para Deus
O mandato da criação preenche uma lacuna no movimento fé e trabalho.

Top Story July 29, 2024

A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
A Theological Monument to Unity amid Diversity
Fifty years ago, the Lausanne Covenant’s solution to rampant division in evangelical ranks wasn’t uniformity.

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