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From the Archives: The Shepherd
Zwingli's Historic Reformation Sermon
The View from Above
A conversation with a pastor whose realism and vision helped his local church come alive.
When God Takes, He Also Gives
What's a Body to Do?
How to determine your church's specific calling.
Rekindling Vision in an Established Church.
The prophet Joel said old men would dream dreams. What about old congregations?
The Hazards of Self-Reliance
Sidestepping Pitfalls in Congregational Research
Church surveys can help -- but only under certain conditions.
Impatient Radicals: The Anabaptists
Some of Zwingli's closest early associates felt that he and the Zurich City Council were moving too slowly in implementing the Swiss Reformation. Their protests led to persecution.
From the Archives: Zwingli's 67 Theses
In His Theses, Zwingli Highlights His Reformed Beliefs
Zwingli - Father of the Swiss Reformation: Christian History Timeline
50 years that changed with faith, fortunes, food and faraway places.
Clouded Vision
The Urge to Serve Beyond Your Means
Without a vision, the people perish, says Proverbs. But with too broad a vision, the people flounder.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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