Speaking Out

A Postcard from Kenya
A dorm parent at Rift Valley Academy on coping with the ongoing violence.
Pro-Israel vs. Pro-Palestine
A rabbi hopes for a better conversation.
The Middle East's Faithful Are Breathing Fine
A response to David Aikman.
India’s Burning Issue
Conversions in Orissa—and the violent reaction against them—highlight tension in India's not-so-dead caste system.
Is Life Worth Living Before Death?
Dwelling in the Holy Land has become a curse for many of its inhabitants.
Remembering Benazir
A UK Christian mourns the charismatic Pakistani leader.
The Peacemaking Process
A call to evangelicals to respond to a significant Muslim overture.
'I Thirst'
What was going on with Mother Teresa?
A Cry Like No Other
The spirituality of potty training.
Spoiler Alert
The Harry Potter craze suggests we're not telling the Christian story right.
Harry Potter 7 Is Matthew 6
The young wizard may not have read the Bible, but someone else certainly did.
Resurrecting the Public Death
Tammy Faye reminded us how to die.
What Would Jonathan Edwards Say About Harry Potter?
How the preacher responded to pop culture's version of transcendence.
Bush's Heresy
His hope for Iraq is "more of a theological perspective," he says.
Missions That Heal
Ministering across the wealth divide means giving up our savior complex.
The Wall Is the Castle
When Christians combat each other, they fail to protect what's important.
Keep Fighting the Good Fight Against HIV/AIDS
More funding from the U.S. government calls attention to the effectiveness of church-based efforts.
Mitt's Mormonism and the 'Evangelical Vote'
Can conservative Protestants vote for a member of what they consider a cult?
The Spirit of Faithfulness
Another public failure in fidelity calls us back to the message of the Cross.
Our 'Don Imus' Moment
Addressing racial issues in America is a lot like being trapped in Groundhog Day.

Top Story July 18, 2024

CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
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