Speaking Out

God Is In Control During the Financial Crisis
God often uses adversity for his greatest blessings and the markets are his.
A Christian View of the Economic Crisis
Is the economy really driven by greed?
The Blind Spot of the Spiritual Formation Movement
Let's not forget the spiritual discipline of choice for the masses.
Habakkuk in Zimbabwe
We're hungry, angry, and depending on a sovereign God.
The Presbyterians Giveth, the Presbyterians Taketh Away
Revised document shifts focus from PC(USA) anti-Semitism.
Can America Still Bar Polygamy?
Much has changed since the late 1800s, and many arguments for keeping the ban aren't very compelling.
Myanmar Aid Crisis Triggers More Deaths, Disease
Groups still unable to deliver food, medicine. Death toll may top 128,000.
Jeremiah Wright, Evangelicals' Brother in Christ
Go ahead and disagree with Obama's pastor. But remember: He's family.
Finders of the Lost Ark?
Why some amateurs are stirring up dust and little else.
Hardship for Evangelicals in Jordan: Lessons for All Christians
The president of Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary on maintaining fruitful relationships with our neighbors.
Red Herring: Mikhail Gorbachev’s Not-Quite Conversion
Asking whether the former Soviet leader is a Christian has a long history.
Christian Evangelism and Judaism
An exchange of views between a rabbi and a columnist.
Election 08's 'False Clerics and Schismatic Spirits'
The ubiquity of religion in this campaign season is distinctly un-Lutheran.
Going Down to She'ol
Is death a place?
The Evangelical Founding Fathers
Remember the concerns of those to whom Jefferson wrote on the separation of church and state.
I Knew I Wasn't Alone
The recent study findings on STDs confirm my experience—and my conviction that churches can do more to help young women.
Our Ears Still Itch
That church down the street isn't the only one pandering to the congregation.
Better Together?
Only in holy matrimony, not in cohabitation.
Larry Norman, Coffee Shop Evangelist
How a chance meeting with a selfless Christian star changed my life.
Disenfranchised in Pakistan
A guide to Christians' concerns about the February 18 parliamentary elections.

Top Story July 17, 2024

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