Speaking Out

Culturally Focusing on the Family
How hipster evangelicals have fallen into the same consumerist traps as their parents.
Culture in an Age of Consumption
Why evangelical hipsters may be the best example of James Davison Hunter's 'faithful presence.'
Boundaries in Grief
Why medicine should never trade places with a time to properly mourn.
Why the Proposition 8 Decision Matters
That Judge Walker's ruling is not a surprise does not make it any less of a landmark.
Woman As Folly
I hope God doesn't see me the way I see 'The Real Housewives.'
The Good Christian Girl: A Fable
What heeding a decade and a half of dating advice can mean.
Immigration Reform: Another Christian View
Forging a just public policy is more complex than the public rhetoric.
Is the Christian Legal Society's Loss a Loss for Everyone?
What the Supreme Court's verdict means for campus ministries.
Needed: More Monocultural Ministries
Why Christians shouldn't try to fit every ethnic group into the same ministry mold.
The Cry of the Oil-Soaked Pelican
How the birds mired in the Gulf oil spill teach us to properly grieve.
World War II Bomb Revisits Past
The Christian's duty to promote peace is now.
Learning from the Gores about the Grace of Separation
Why separating can be pro-family.
What 'Lost' Taught Us about Dying Well
The meaning behind "live together, die alone."
Arizona's Border Crisis
Why Christians should oppose the state's new immigration law.
The Gulf of Mexico and the Care of Creation
We exercise dominion over creation not only when we use it, but also when we conserve it.
Wrightians and the Neo-Reformed: 'All One in Christ Jesus'
A dispatch from Together for the Gospel and Wheaton's Theology Conference with N.T. Wright.
Show All History
God promises to forget our sins. Google, not so much.
'Jesus Was a Rebel'
Okay, he was. What's your point?
I Want to Be Accepted As I Am, But I’ll Take a Cure Too
Why we should consider correcting disabilities.
Sport Is More Than Play
A response to Shirl Hoffman's "Fanatics."

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CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
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