Speaking Out

He Is Risen, so I Am Shriven
Recovering the meaning of Shrove Tuesday—and filling up on pancakes.
Why Politics Still Matters
The temptation to withdraw is ever with us.
Why It Matters That the Exodus Really Happened
No less than Western law, the civil rights movement, and Christianity itself rest on the historicity of the biblical event.
Always Advent and Never Christmas?
Getting serious about the season of preparation? Don’t skimp on the celebration.
St. Nick, Patron of Pawn Shops
The little-known history of Christianity’s icon of generosity.
Why Torture Is a Complete Failure
Former war crimes prosecutor: Legally, morally, and practically, ‘enhanced interrogation’ does not work.
Kay Warren: Stop Sending Cheery Christmas Cards
When you don't mention our son's tragic death, it only hurts more.
Defending the Workplace Baby Bump
Pro-life and pro-choice groups unite as the Supreme Court considers pregnancy discrimination.
Tragedy, Tradition, and Opportunity in the Homosexuality Debate
We need a better approach to the traditional biblical ethic on sexuality.
Billy Graham: 96 and Still Preaching
His unprecedented ministry continues nearly 70 years later.
Bless This Tackle? Not a Prayer
Christians’ misguided fight for football devotions isn’t working.
5 Guidelines for Living in a Pluralist Society
Protestant Christianity is losing the mainstream status it once enjoyed. How to model a winsome faith anyway.
What the New Majority-Minority Public Schools Mean for Christians
The issue isn’t 'leave or stay' but 'how to serve.'
What We Talk About When We Talk About 'Birth Control'
Meaningful debate requires us to define the terms of discussion.
Fatherhood's Call to Duty
A love that knows its responsibilities.
A Shooting on Sacred Ground
In the midst of trauma at SPU, I’m reminded that a Christian university is a holy place.
Do Evangelicals Have Room for Prophets?
Canon Andrew White lives dangerously for God. Why we need more leaders like him.
Why I'm Not Cheering Today's Supreme Court Prayer Decision
Be careful what you pray for, warns a constitutional law scholar.
You Probably Love (or Hate) 'Heaven Is For Real' for All the Wrong Reasons
It's not a travel guide. And Colton Burpo isn't the first Christian to have an ecstatic experience.
Mourning the Death of a Church
How our congregation found resurrection and hope at the end of its life.

Top Story July 17, 2024

J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.

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