
EDITORIAL: Cheap Evangelism
De-Demonizing the UN
While bloated and badly in need of reform, the UN fills a necessary role that Christians should support.
Slain Are the Peacemakers
How Israel's hawk became a dove
Why We Dig the Holy Land
EDITORIAL: Save Me—from Myself
Christians need surer mechanisms of accountability.
EDITORIAL: The Road to Orthodoxy
The post-Armstrong Worldwide Church of God's commendable journey of faith.
EDITORIAL: Public Dollars, Private Efforts
How your tax dollars can partner with ministries to empower the poor.
EDITORIAL: A Barely Tolerable Punishment
The death penalty is nothing to exult in.
A Tenuous Victory for Religious Freedom
Only a religious-equality amendment will resolve what a split high court cannot.
EDITORIAL: The Lure of the Apocalypse
Christ's second coming is not just fodder for fanatics, but a nonnegotiable truth.
EDITORIAL: Trivializing the Cross
Golgotha is no place for a bunny.
EDITORIAL: The Fall and Rise of Marriage
Rebuilding commitment in a culture of divorce.
Why We Love the Earth
Our belief in a Creator, not crisis scenarios, drives our environmental concerns
Racial Reconciliation Begins with You
Let’s break down the barriers that divide us.
The School Prayer Temptation
Politicians think evangelicals want to force religion on others; we simply want the freedom to live by our faith.
EDITORIAL: For Whom the Bell Curves
Intellectual smugness devalues the Christian teaching that one's character is vastly more important than what one knows.
Will Promise Keepers Keep Their Promises?
The best way for the movement to retain its credibility is to deliver on its racial-reconciliation pledge.
Married, with Children?
Fans of the traditional family should not be intimidated by bad statistics.
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Top Story July 23, 2024

He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
Most ministers were silent about Watergate. Why was one evangelical pastor different?

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