
The Gay Shibboleth
Opposition to homosexual behavior may now be a bar to high office.
EDITORIAL: Can the Sheep Save Their Shepherds?
Congregations must renew their care for the called.
EDITORIALS: Post-Simpson America
Reactions to the verdict have exposed a trust deficit that threatens our way of life.
Sub-biblical Transformation
Organization-speak threatens to blind us to the church's unique glory.
Winning Isn't Everything
Recent political successes could spell disaster for the church's mission.
One-Size Politics Doesn't Fit All
Evangelical social reform is a many-splendored thing.
Abortion Overreach
Today's Supreme Court decision again shows that the all-or-nothing strategy is not the way to go.
'Safe Sex' for the Whole Nation
Why mandating the HPV vaccine is not a good idea.
The Slope Really Is Slippery
Why we struggle to gain our moral footing in bioethics.
What Would Wilberforce Do?
The 19th-century abolitionists have much to teach us about politics today.
The New Intolerance
Fear mongering among elite atheists is not a pretty sight.
Go Gently into That Good Night
Fear of mortality lies at the root of our bioethics confusion.
Reviewing the Fundamentals
Ted Haggard's fall raises crucial questions about holiness.
A Higher Amendment
Protect religious freedom by exercising it responsibly. A Christianity Today editorial.
Entrepreneurs R Us
The Ted Haggard scandal exposes our movement's strengths and weaknesses. A Christianity Today editorial.
Look at All the Lonely People
A radically old way to reach out to a friendless culture.
Theocracy, Anyone?
Jesus rules! But that doesn't mean we yearn for a state ruled by the church.
Save the E-Word
Let's improve the public perception of evangelicalism.
Media in Motion
Evangelicalism's mission and message outlast evolving technologies.
God's Will in the Public Square
Democratic Senator Barack Obama gets it mostly right.

Top Story July 22, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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