
Marilyn Chandler McEntyre

Marilyn Chandler McEntyre

Marilyn Chandler McEntyre has taught at Princeton University, the College of New Jersey, Mills College, Dominican University, and Westmont College. She now teaches at the UCSF/UC Berkeley Joint Medical Program and in the University Writing Program at UC Davis. Her column for Christianity Today appeared from 2000 to 2001.

Furthermore: Teach Your Children Well
Furthermore: Teach Your Children Well
Hearing 'When I was in school' helps our children no more than it helped us.
Preaching to Preschoolers
Preaching to Preschoolers
A children's sermon is a time to feed their imaginations, not their egos
Resisting Relevancy
Resisting Relevancy
The church suffers when pastors confuse anecdotes with parables
My House, God's House
My House, God's House
Hospitality is not merely good manners but a ministry of healing
Rx for Moral Fussbudgets
Rx for Moral Fussbudgets
Good guilt entails more than repentance for merely personal sins
Community, Not Commodity
Community, Not Commodity
Let us acknowledge, and even mourn, what we lose when worship meets media
Furthermore: Nice Is Not the Point
Furthermore: Nice Is Not the Point
Sometimes love is sharp, hard-edged, confusing, and seemingly unfair.
Furthermore: The Fullness of Time
Furthermore: The Fullness of Time
I'd like life to be a series of pauses like a poem, rather than a fast-paced, page-turner airport novel.
In the Word: 'I've Been Through Things'
In the Word: 'I've Been Through Things'
Meditating on Honor your father and your mother.
Silence Is to Dwell In
Silence Is to Dwell In
An hour of quiet is a rare gift, hard to come by in an ordinary week, even for those who seek it.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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