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«Я знав, що мені дорого обійдеться моя віра»: відсидівши сім років у китайській в’язниці, місіонер нарешті вийшов на волю
Джон Саньцян Цао розповідає, як переписані вручну біблійні вірші, молитва та любов матері підтримували його під час ув’язнення.
«Я знал, что мне дорого обойдется моя вера»: отсидев семь лет в китайской тюрьме, миссионер наконец-то вышел на свободу
Джон Саньцян Цао рассказывает, как переписанные вручную библейские стихи, молитва и любовь матери поддерживали его во время заключения.
‘I Knew I Would Pay a Price for My Faith’: China Releases Missionary After Seven Years
John Sanqiang Cao shares how hand-copied Bible verses, prayers, and a mother’s love buoyed him during his imprisonment.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.
Fear, Grief, then Supernatural Peace: Myanmar Christians Process Draft
While many young people feel helpless over the news of the conscription law, believers see an opening for ministry.
Report: Myanmar’s Military Is Destroying Churches in Chin State
Local Christians and rights groups believe the targeting is deliberate in the Buddhist-majority country.
From Buddhist Monk to Thai Gangster, God’s Grace Broke Me
God showed me that if he could change me, he could also change a broken border town.
Myanmar’s Christians: As Our Churches Burn and People Flee, We Need the US’s Help
The Biden administration and the global church can do more to help the Chin people in Myanmar.
How the Grand Canyon of China Became a Christian Land
British missionary James O. Fraser overcame depression to help give the Lisu a written language, translate the Bible, and make them renowned hymn singers.
‘Pray for the End of the Dictatorship’: The Cries of Myanmar’s Christians
Pleas to God for unity, justice, and the strength to survive.
Umat Kristen Myanmar Berjuang untuk Perdamaian
Seorang mantan ratu kecantikan menjadi bagian dari perlawanan yang meluas untuk menentang rezim militer yang brutal.
Myanmar’s Christians Fight for Peace
A former beauty queen is a part of the widespread resistance taking a stand against the brutal military regime.
Amid Myanmar’s Civil War, Unity Emerges
Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims—all from different ethnic backgrounds—are coming together to resist the violent military junta.
Top 10 CT News Stories of the Year
From CRT clashes to abuse investigations, we rank the most significant evangelical headlines of 2021.
Gleanings: December 2021
News of Christians around the world.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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