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Christians Shouldn’t Run from a ‘Negative World.’ But They Can Depend on It Less.
Aaron Renn outlines individual, institutional, and missional strategies for adapting to a hostile culture.
Being HumanEpisode 16|33min
Playfulness, Earnestness, and Worship
Opening ourselves up to the possibility of God’s presence.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 104|37min
Ethan Hawke on Flannery O’Connor’s Christian Imagination
The Oscar-nominated actor talks about cowriting and directing Wildcat.
Sports Can Be a Touchdown for Faith. Beware of Encroachment.
As a lifelong athlete and coach, I know sports build character. But I worry about the idolatrous, selfish culture of American athletics.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 92|49min
Seth Kaplan’s Answer to Our Collective Problem
A leading expert on fragile states says stability starts at home.
Above Reproach? Fewer Americans See Pastors as Ethical
The biblical call to maintain “a good reputation with outsiders” is becoming a bigger challenge in the US as public perception of clergy falls to a record low.
Close Encounters of the Elite Institutional Kind
How a contested alien abduction claim from the 1960s helps explain modern cynicism toward credentialed experts and organizations.
Os evangélicos precisam de uma teologia renovada para a igreja
O grande movimento de desigrejados é uma oportunidade para a nossa tradição redescobrir uma eclesiologia mais resiliente.
Los evangélicos necesitan una teología renovada de la Iglesia
La salida masiva de la Iglesia brinda una oportunidad para que nuestra tradición redescubra una eclesiología más duradera.
Evangelicals’ Theology of the Church Must Be Born Again
The ‘Great Dechurching’ is an opportunity for our tradition to rediscover a more enduring ecclesiology.
Creemos en el poder del evangelio, no en el evangelio del poder
El documental de la familia Duggar nos recuerda a los cristianos que no somos la generación de Josué, sino la de Jesús.
Shiny Miserable Family: How Bill Gothard’s Ministry Missed the Sin Inside
The Duggar documentary shows how the fundamentalist movement got parenting and children wrong.
We Believe in the Power of the Gospel, Not the Gospel of Power
The Duggar documentary reminds Christians that we are the generation not of Joshua but of Jesus.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 50|38min
Hope for Grief and Accountability
Russell Moore and producer Ashley Hales respond to listeners.
Restablecer la confianza en la Iglesia requiere toda la verdad
Las instituciones cristianas no podrán reconstruir su credibilidad si ocultamos nuestros errores.
Restoring Trust in the Church Requires the Whole Truth
Our Christian institutions can’t rebuild credibility if we hide our failings.
The Christian Case for Reading Black Classics
Why James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, and other African American masters deserve an audience among all believers.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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