Race Set Before Us

Were You There?
Can a follower of Christ claim salvation through his crucifixion, but then consent to the suffering racial injustice imposes on others?
Did Bobby Get Suspended Because He Was Black?
Concerns for racial justice must address disparities in education and school discipline.
Might From the Margins
People of color don't need white permission to use their power in Christ.
The Shocking Necessity of Racist Violence
It takes cruelty and brute force for human subjugation to work.
Be Still and Know
To participate in God’s love and healing amid racism, you must slow down and prayerfully ask yourself questions.
Stung Like a Bee
White evangelicalism failed to lead and take action for racial reconciliation in America.
Preach What You Practice
Decades ago, theologian Paul Jewett modeled moves white Christians must make toward racial solidarity.
The Absence of Injustice Is Not Justice
Acting affirmatively on the side of racial justice affirms the truth of the gospel.
All For Love’s Sake
Bridging racial divides requires love as the motivation.
Only the Right Questions Have Answers
Without restitution for harm done, there will never be liberty and justice for all.
When What Is Lawful Is Lethal
Structural sin may be legal, but that doesn’t make it right.
True Worship Means Real Justice
Where in America can we see proof of righteousness and justice for disadvantaged racialized people?
The Gospel Has Never Been Colorblind
With eyes wide open to the colorfulness of distinction, we can see the full beauty of humanity.
Scripture Calls Churches to Build a Just Society. Here’s How.
Systemic justice is unabashed obedience to what the Bible has always taught.
Black Books Matter
There’s much more to read than racism woes of suffering and struggle.
The Perils of White American Folk Religion
Many Christians unwittingly practice a counter-faith that doesn't know how to deal with racism.
The Long Obedience of Racial Justice
To bear the image of God is a declaration of dignity that challenges power.
Hashtags Hit Too Close to Home
Racism in America is a white person's sin issue that can only be resolved by white America.
Black Lives Matter in the Bible
From Genesis to Revelation, racism runs counter to everything Scripture teaches.
Another Run at Freedom
Pursuing a future already secured in Christ, can we keep running against racial injustice? Today begins 20 weeks featuring 20 Christian writers of color.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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