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The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 14|50min
Benjamin Watson Knows Life Is a Team Sport
The former NFL player talks faith, family, and fighting for justice.
Life is More than Wall Street: Lessons on Leadership and Loving Others
With over four decades of leadership, learn how Atul Tandon ended up in pursuit of humanitarian work and speaks to building others up.
No-Sweat Sermons? No Thanks.
Many tools offer to make preaching prep easier, but struggle is the point.
The New Math of Church Mergers
An option once seen as a failed strategy is now giving many congregations a new lease on life.
The Inspirational, Interdenominational, Multi-Congregational Ministry Movement
What happens when local churches stop competing and start seeing themselves as multiple sites of God’s Church in a city?
Turn The Team You’re Stuck With Into The Team You Want (10 Steps For Church Leaders)
No one starts with the team they want. Teams aren’t born, they’re built.
Pastors And Worship Leaders: 3 Ways To Work Together And 2 Traps To Avoid
The most important principle is to keep a cooperative spirit.
5 Reasons Leaders Should Never Say “I Don’t Like That”
Good leaders never make their decisions based on personal preference. They make decisions based on the mission.
Don’t Just Build A Ministry Platform, Build A Team That Can Support It
This may be the biggest reason great ideas die too soon. We’re creating buzz, but we’re not building substance.
For I Needed a Place to Vote, And You Invited Me In
When your church is a polling place, Election Day is an opportunity to show hospitality.
A Team Approach to Sermon Preparation
It is not good that preachers should prepare their messages alone.
Share the Load in Your Small Congregation
Are you the only pastor on staff? You don’t have to bear the burden alone.
Why I Won’t Be The Lead Pastor At Cornerstone Any More – But I'm Not Leaving
Pastoral transition is one of the most dangerous times in a congregation’s life. We need to get better at it.
Make the Most of Your Rented Space
Five solutions for mobile churches.
Make Your Voice Heard at the Table
3 ways to help get your ideas across when you’re working with men
3 Ways to Maximize Co-Pastoring
Effective co-pastoring requires more than just dividing up tasks.
10 Essentials for a Successful Outdoor Event
Don’t let weather, logistics, or Egyptian plagues keep you from taking your service outside.
The Man Who Saved The World By Thinking Small: A D-Day Tribute
On D-Day, small and large worked together. Each did the task they were best suited for. Together they won the day.
Our Best on the Teamwork of Ministry
These 11 resources will help your team work together as one body made up of many parts.
Working with a Team Means Better Care
Pooling expertise, wisdom, resources, and networks leads to better ministry.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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