

Philosophers' Potpourri
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Ponder These Things
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Classic & Contemporary Excerpts from April 01, 2006
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Evening Prayer
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Morning Prayers
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Grace That Surprises
Quotations to stir the heart and mind.
Wisdom That Sticks
Quotations to stir the heart and mind.
Faith and Freedom
Quotations to stir the heart and mind.
His Body, His Blood
Quotations to stir the heart and mind.
On Baptism
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Discovering God
Quotations to Stir Heart and Mind.
Welcoming the Stranger
Quotations to Stir Heart and Mind
The Church and Mission
Quotations to Stir Heart and Mind
The Church
Quotations to stir heart and mind
Word Become Flesh
Quotations to Stir Heart and Mind
The Way of Salvation
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Sin and Evil
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Teaching and Learning
Quotations to stir heart and mind.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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