
Go Figure

Go Figure
Figures from the midterm elections.
Go Figure: Special 50th Anniversary Edition
How the character of religion in America has changed since the founding of Christianity Today.
Go Figure
Recent statistics on how many evangelicals believe in astrology, the Religious Right, and other data.
Go Figure
What evangelicals really believe about Israel and global warming.
Go Figure
Recent stats on gay families and the value of volunteerism.
Go Figure
Recent stats on Americans' faith and forfeits.
Go Figure
Recent stats on belief in 'The Da Vinci Code'
Go Figure
Recent stats on voting for evangelicals, belief in The Da Vinci Code, and collegiate religion.
Go Figure
Recent stats on gifts to Pat Robertson, church attenders' view on the Iraq war, and mainline seminarians.
Go Figure
Recent stats on evangelical happiness and views on euthanasia, and violent Americans.
Go Figure
Recent stats on evangelicals and abortion, and American spirituality.
Go Figure
Recent stats on Christian colleges, belief in God, and the number actually offended by 'Merry Christmas'.
Go Figure
Recent stats on cohabitation, college prayer, and the number of evangelicals.
Go Figure
Recent stats on working parents, divorce, and missions spending.
Go Figure
Recent stats on religious and non-religious politics, Russia's abortion rate, and views on evolution.
Go Figure
Recent stats on corporate non-giving to faith groups, donations to the Baptist World Alliance, and a drop in church programs.
Go Figure
Recent stats on corporate non-giving to faith groups, donations to the Baptist World Alliance, and a drop in church programs.
Go Figure
Recent stats on religious expression, public displays, and marriage.
Go Figure
Recent stats on America as a Christian nation, creation and evolution, and liking Muslims.
Go Figure
Recent stats on Bible reading, radio listening, and giving by evangelicals.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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