Christian Vision Project

A Perfect Pearl
A small gospel can be a beautiful thing.
Aliens and Citizens
In the body of Christ, we learn how to be both.
A Holy Longing
Beauty is the hard-to-define essence that draws people to the gospel.
Missional Misstep
Emphasizing the big gospel can make it hard to communicate any gospel.
The 30-Day Leviticus Challenge
One church's experiment in living the most arcane book of the Bible.
From Four Laws to Four Circles
James Choung has found a way to tell the old, old story to a new generation.
When God Disturbs the Peace
Our gospel may be small because we fail to believe that God animates many social movements.
The Poverty of Love
The desert fathers and mothers would know instantly why our gospel is too small.
An Open-Handed Gospel
We have to decide whether we have a stingy or a generous God.
The 8 Marks of a Robust Gospel
Reviving forgotten chapters in the story of redemption.
An Efficient Gospel?
The modern world was inclined toward reduction, efficiency, and things you can count.
Singing in the Chains
To be saved means more than we might think.
The Lima Bean Gospel
The Good News is so much bigger than we make it out to be.
Unexpected Global Lessons
How short-term mission is becoming a two-way street.
Getting Back on Course
It's time to return to the priority of evangelism.
From Hand Out to Hand Up
Three Arkansas entrepreneurs are helping build Rwanda's largest bank for the poorest of the poor.
The Dread Cancer of Stinginess
When it comes to missions giving, donor dependency may not be the greatest problem.
Powering Down
World Vision India head Jayakumar Christian on how the poor become movers and shakers, and movers and shakers become poor.
Liberate My People
Theologian and educator Ruth Padilla DeBorst says true Christian mission addresses issues of power and poverty.
From Tower-Dwellers to Travelers
Ugandan-born theologian Emmanuel Katongole offers a new paradigm for missions.

Top Story July 16, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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