Bearing the Cross

Dumped into Drums
Eritrea ramps up brutal crackdown on Christians.
Members of One Another
Iraq's endangered church looks to Western fellowship for help.
Terrorizing Ally
Saudi Arabia tortures Christians even as it makes human-rights gestures.
Ordinary Terrorists
Muslim extremists in Pakistan do not always belong to dangerous groups.
Out-of-Control Clerics
Official scourgings and vigilante enforcers in Iran terrorize Christians.
Lip Service
Vietnam's guarantees of religious freedom are not fooling anybody.
Crushing House Churches
Chinese intelligence and security forces attack anew.

Top Story July 26, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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