Politics+Current Affairs

Secular Figures Are Giving Faith a Second Look
A surprising number are expressing unmet longings for beauty, truth, and meaning.
The Law Can’t Always ‘Love’ You
Compassionate enforcement has its place. But the state’s role is to bear the sword.
Why Prison Ministries Are Growing
Adaptations for COVID-19 are helping Christians reach incarcerated people, with eager cooperation from government officials.
Argentina Legalized Abortion in 2020. Will This Impact Evangelicals’ Presidential Vote?
(UPDATED) Upstart candidate Javier Milei says he's pro-life. But for some Christians, his economic positions may be a bigger draw than his moral ones.
Let the Children Play: Their Lives Depend on It
How the next generation's mental health crisis might recall the timeless values of wandering and wayfinding.
Pray for al-Ahli
A historian of Gaza’s only Christian hospital, where scores died in an explosion this week, shares the story of the longstanding refuge.
Scores Killed in Blast at Gaza’s Only Christian Hospital
The fatal explosion hit a well-known facility run by Anglicans—and formerly by Southern Baptists—“in the middle of one of the world’s most troubled places.”
Antisemitic Violence and Its Shameful Defense
Christians must care for both Israeli and Palestinian victims of war—and that means actively rejecting hatred of the Jewish people.
Christians Have a Duty to Hate the Evil of Hamas
The example of Jesus, the teachings of the just war tradition, and Hamas’s own words make this clear.
Armenia Struggles to Aid 100,000 Artsakh Refugees After War
Evangelical, Orthodox, and secular aid workers care for traumatized Nagorno-Karabakh kin they say were ethnically cleansed from their homeland. Azerbaijani Christians reply.
Wither the Poisonous Plant of Hamas
A Palestinian Christian’s view of this week’s tragedy in Israel—and how to address the roots of the problem.
The Little-Known History of Evangelicals’ Changing Israel Views
Responses by Christian leaders to today’s war in the Holy Land are 50 years in the making.
‘Bothsidesism’ About Hamas Is a Moral Failure
Israelis and Palestinians are equally beloved of God. But there’s no moral ambiguity about the genocidal evil of Hamas.
Why Is One Jewish Family the Subject of So Many Conspiracy Theories?
A new book charts the centuries-long history of the Rothschilds and recurring waves of antisemitism.
Christians Tried to Ban Witchcraft Accusations in Ghana. Politicians Almost Agreed.
(UPDATED) President declines to sign legislation. Bill’s sponsor calls Nana Akufo-Addo’s rationale “unfathomable.”
Amid Israel-Hamas War, Local Christians Seek Righteous Anger and Gospel Hope
As terrorism leads to thousands of deaths, Palestinian evangelicals and Messianic Jews share astonishment, grief, and prayer for peace and justice.
‘Sound of Freedom’ Star Tim Ballard Accused of Preying on Staff on Undercover Missions
In a lawsuit five women allege the anti-trafficking hero sexually assaulted them, raising the question of whether ministries should engage in such off-the-grid operations.
‘We Do Need Healing’: What First Nation Christians Make of Australia’s Indigenous Representation Referendum
(UPDATED) Leaders want a seat at the table. Not all are sure about changing the Constitution.
Billions in Federal Aid Helped Christian Orgs Survive the Pandemic
A CT analysis of federal data shows that ministries received about $7 billion in forgiven PPP loans, with about a third of US churches receiving funding.
American Christians Should Stand with Israel under Attack
While we pray for peace, we need moral clarity about this war.

Top Story July 17, 2024

A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
In these fractured times, we want to focus on Jesus’ call to chase after his will.

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