Book Reviews

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Book Title (Most Recent)AuthorRating
Sprinkle, Preston M.3 Stars - Good
Inman, Ross D.not rated  
do Vale, Fellipe3½ Stars - Good
Sandy, D. Brent2 Stars - Fair
Inman, Ross D.4 Stars - Excellent
Wilcox, Brad4½ Stars - Excellent
Brooks, David4½ Stars - Excellent
Fitch, David E.3 Stars - Good
Wear, Michael R.4 Stars - Excellent
Alberta, Tim4 Stars - Excellent
Williams, Nadya4 Stars - Excellent
Reno, R. R.4 Stars - Excellent
Reno, R. R.4 Stars - Excellent
Bowman, Matthew5 Stars - Masterpiece
Coffman, Elesha J.5 Stars - Masterpiece
McLaughlin, Rebecca4 Stars - Excellent
Keane, Michael4 Stars - Excellent
Lynn, Andrewnot rated  
Wilson, Andrew4 Stars - Excellent
Scarbrough, Jeremy; Sawyer, Pat5 Stars - Masterpiece
Harris, Shannonnot rated  
James, Samuel4 Stars - Excellent
Lynn, Andrew4 Stars - Excellent
Koester, Nancy4½ Stars - Excellent
Brierley, Justin4 Stars - Excellent

Top Story June 22, 2024

What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?
Evangelicals tend to assume our sexual ethic is deeply unpopular. But the wind may be shifting as thought leaders increasingly declare Christianity a cultural asset.

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