Book Reviews

Limit Books By:
Book Title (Most Recent)AuthorRating
Harpur, James4 Stars - Excellent
Warren, Tish Harrison4 Stars - Excellent
Bowler, Gerry4 Stars - Excellent
Kirkpatrick, Melanie2 Stars - Fair
Leithart, Peter J.not rated  
Snyder, Timothy4 Stars - Excellent
Stowe, David W.4 Stars - Excellent
Culture of Death: The Age of Do Harm Medicine
Culture of Death: The Age of “Do Harm” Medicine
Smith, Wesley J.2½ Stars - Fair
Cutillo, Bob4 Stars - Excellent
The Mormon Jesus: A Biography
The Mormon Jesus: A Biography
Turner, John G.4 Stars - Excellent
Kinnaman, David; Lyons, Gabe4 Stars - Excellent
Schmidt, Leigh Eric4 Stars - Excellent
Hamilton, Duncan4 Stars - Excellent
Michelle Lee-Barnewall4 Stars - Excellent
Vance, J. D.4 Stars - Excellent
Mayfield, D. L.5 Stars - Masterpiece
Austin, Victor Lee5 Stars - Masterpiece
Claiborne, Shane4 Stars - Excellent
Desmond, Matthew4 Stars - Excellent
Belz, Mindy5 Stars - Masterpiece
Ferguson, Sinclair B.not rated  
God and Politics in Esther
God and Politics in Esther
Hazony, Yoram4 Stars - Excellent
Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians
Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians
Tietjen, Mark A.5 Stars - Masterpiece
Piper, John3 Stars - Good
Oord, Thomas Jay2 Stars - Fair

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J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.

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