
Life in a Country of Death
Experiencing Christ's resurrection comes in ordinary moments, like sitting down to a meal.
American Theocrat
Richard John Neuhaus, Catholic political ambitions, and the evangelical pawns.
Was George Washington a Christian?
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
Musical Messengers of the Word
Journeying to faith through the work of musicians, artists, and ministers.
God's Word for Ardent Disciples
New study Bibles aim to help three especially committed constituencies.
Calvin's Battle for Marriage
Studying Geneva's sexual reformation has lessons for today.
A Demanding Doctor
An admiring biography doesn't smooth out the complications of James Dobson.
A family crisis in a Midwestern town set the stage for Vinita Hampton Wright's latest novel.
Fulfilling God's Promises
The Message of the New Testament shows how Jesus carries out the Old Testament.
Something Old, Something New
Archbishop wants Christians, left and right, to learn from church history.
How Christianity Shaped the Modern World
Too often maligned, the faith has contributed much to our culture.
Wicca's Charm
A Christian journalist seeks to understand the burgeoning pagan religion.
Our Anti-Intellectual Heritage
The history and beliefs of the Pentecostal movement, often shared by evangelicals, hold the seeds of a bias against the life of the mind.
A Complicated, Consequential Leader
Michael Kazin's recent biography of Williams Jennings Bryan introduces the 'Great Commoner' to a new generation.
Kiss and Tell the Gospel
Michael Penn explains what the early church meant by the "holy kiss."
Give It Away, Give It Away Now
The mission of the church does need to be reclaimed from modernism, but we don't need postmodernism to tell us so—we have Scripture.
Community In, Not Of, Capitalism
Our modern notions of money and possessions blind us to the reality that everything belongs to God and therefore our church community.
Spiritual Fast Food
Reading God's Word need not take an eternity, say publishers of speedy Bibles.
Christianity Unique Among Religions
The faith's distinctiveness told winsomely, yet with little impact.
Answering Life's Big Questions
A beginner's guide to philosophy.

Top Story July 18, 2024

Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Evangelicals Agree That Biden Should Drop Out
Poll: Black Protestants are among the only groups who remain confident in the president’s mental capacities.

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