Table Of Contents
April 3 1987, 1987
Volume 31, Number 6
April 3
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The CT archives are a rich treasure of biblical wisdom and insight from our past. Some things we would say differently today, and some stances we've changed. But overall, we're amazed at how relevant so much of this content is. We trust that you'll find it a helpful resource.
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Gamma Counter to the Rescue
How an unlikely prop and a resourceful photographer saved our shoot.
We hear from our readers
The Law Firm of Glitz, Hype, and Schmaltz
In Maine, it's illegal to whistle on Sunday.
How Not to Have a Baby
The morality of surrogacy and a deeper discussion of moralism
Cease-Fire in the Laboratory
Working scientists find that science and faith are less and less in conflict.
The Return of the God-Hypothesis
After 300 years of science, God may make more sense than ever.
Eugene Peterson: A Monk Out of Habit
What spirituality has to do with place, creativity, community, and subversion.
Special Books Section: April 4, 1987
Lynchburg and Other Cities on a Hill
Book Briefs: April 4, 1987
A closer look at Cairns and Bockmuehl
Responding to the AIDS Crisis
"We were frequently very discouraged by the response of many evangelicals."
Christian Political Activist Launches a New Party
Can CHP bring Christian ethics to bear on Canada’s national political scene?
Gospel or Government?
The National Association of Evangelicals walks a tightrope at its annual convention.
Afghan Refugees Find Help at the Border
One of every four refugees worldwide is an Afghan.
A Congressman Who Would Be President
"Even if I lost, I could still be a blessing to my party and my country."
Can Christians Hand out Gospel Tracts in Airports?
This case is a crucial test of free speech.
Can States Restrict a Minor’s Access to Abortion?
Ruling passed on Hartigan v. Zbaraz
A Battle over Sexual Morals
Are committed, faithful relationships for only inside marriage?
Suit Challenges Christian Employment Service Practices
A Washington State judge has ruled on Intercristo’s request.
Beyond Bathrobe Drama
Finding a home for Christian artists.
My Cancer and the Good Health Gospel
I had always wondered what it would be like to be told I had a malignant cancer