Would You Welcome a Child with Down Syndrome?

Three stories that couldn't be more different. One abortion. One orphan denied a family. And one grandmother who shares the gift of her granddaughter. And yet in each case, the child in question has Down syndrome.

The first came from Babble, a parenting website. (I will include ...

Have you read any hope-filled books lately?

What books are you reading lately? Are they hopeful and truthful at the same time?

I ask because a friend who reads this blog wrote me last week with the following comments:

"I've been thinking lately about fiction and Christian writers. With my recent book choices I've read some ...

William and Music

I wrote last week about the way William is teaching me to love music. Earlier this week, Peter took him to see a string quartet and they happened upon the orchestra playing nearby. Click here to hear and see William talk about it.

Creation and Evolution: What Must Christians Believe?

I was asked to participate in the current Patheos Book Club discussion about The Language of Science and Faith. In addition to my own reflection, posted below, I invite you to read an excerpt, read an interview with Karl Giberson, and look at other reviews of the book itself. ...

What I'm Reading: Articles on Atheists; CP, Comedy, and Oprah; and Teaching Kids to Play

My husband, a Christian, volunteered to be the faculty sponsor of the atheist club on his school campus. Although he believes that Christianity is true (not just true-for-me but true with a capital T), he also believes that everyone has the right to express ideas and to think ...

In Memory of Francis or Outgrowing Their Clothes

A little boy died on Monday. His name was Francis, and he had Down syndrome. When he died he was wearing a blue onesie that once belonged to William.

Last week I spent some time going through Penny's old clothes to see what would fit Marilee. I found myself in tears as each item ...

Perfectly Human: Becoming Aware of Beauty by Mica May

"Perfectly Human" is a series of guest posts that runs every Wednesday afternoon. Today Mica May, mother to Jackson, a two-year old with Down syndrome, shares her reflections from Down Syndrome Awareness Day. Mica has written for Perfectly Human before (See "My Jackson"), and ...

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