Perfectly Human: Trusting God in Times of Grief by Taylor Martin Wise

When the doctor delivered the news that my ten-month old daughter Bette was hearing impaired, I was stunned.

How could that be? She makes noises. She is playful. She laughs big belly laughs. How can she not hear? There must be some mistake.

But it was no mistake. The doctor did ...

Is There Such a Thing as Wrongful Birth?

A few years back, I read an article in the New York Times Magazine about a "wrongful birth" lawsuit. A woman sued her doctors after her child was born with severe disabilities because she would have aborted had her daughter's genetic abnormalities been detected in utero. The ...

Penny's Prayers

I was putting Penny to bed tonight and I asked, "Do you want me to pray for you?"

She nodded.

"What do you want me to pray for?"

"Help me control my hands at school."

When I had picked Penny up from school that morning, her teacher had told me Penny was "like a tumbleweed." I can ...

Growing Up with Down Syndrome

I don't think about it much any more, but when Penny was born, some of the hardest questions to face were those about her future. Will she ever drive a car? Get married? Have children? Hold a job? Live on her own?

Those questions still exist, of course, and they come up from ...

What Does Food Have to do with God?

Around 5:30 most evenings, the inevitable question arises. What are we going to eat for dinner? Sometimes I've planned it out in advance, but most days it's a scramble. And although I intend to provide nutritious meals every night, efficiency sometimes wins out.

There was a time ...

"Curing" Down Syndrome?

I found out last week that my friend Ellen Painter Dollar and I won an award from the EPA (Evangelical Press Association) for our point-counterpoint essays about disability published for Christianity Today online. My article was called, "Considering 'Curing' Down Syndrome With ...

Perfectly Human by Margot Starbuck: Movie Night, The “R” Word and True Confessions

"What? Since when did tard become politically incorrect?"

I felt confused when I heard these words fall off the lips of a character in the 2005 movie, The Ringer, starring Johnny Knoxville. I wasn't surprised it was coming from Hollywood. I was shocked, though, that the movie ...

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