Holy Disruptions and a Balanced Life

Anyone who reads this blog knows I'm someone who loves order and predictability and productivity and, well, balance. I've written before about my desire for balance and some of the holy disruptions that push me off-kilter. Having a newborn pushes me off kilter. Or perhaps I ...

Perfectly Human: All for the Good... by Kelly Wendel

I was only five years old when my cousin Ben was born. I do not remember exactly how I was told that he has Down Syndrome or what that really meant. I think my mom explained that "things are just going to be harder for Ben," or something to that effect. All I knew was that he ...

Questions About A Good and Perfect Gift Part 1

Yesterday two packages arrived. The first was a small box with five "Advanced Reading Copies" of my upcoming book, A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations and a Little Girl Named Penny. The second were the "galleys" for that book, which is to say the final final draft. ...

Penny's Prayers

Most nights before our kids go to bed, we have a family prayer time. It usually begins with William prostrate on the floor (who knows how he decided that the best way to pray is face to the ground and eyes closed). He usually says, "Thank you for our day. Thank you for our family." ...

Going to the Spiritual Spa

For Mother's Day this year, my husband gave me one of those priceless gifts: the gift of time. The idea was that I would go away for two days and night to a retreat center. I'd have endless hours to think and pray and journal and get my spiritual house in order. Then the reality ...

Being a Single Mom for a Night

Penny asks repetitive questions. So when, for instance, her dad was out of town last week, she persisted, "Where's Dad?"

"Pen, you know the answer to that."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."



A few moments pass. "Mom, where's Dad?"

I finally figured out that she wasn't ...

Interview About Disability, Faith, and the Gift of Every Life

Last week I was interviewed on the John and Kathy Show of Word FM, a Christian radio station in Pittsburgh. The interview came as a follow up to the award I received (along with my friend Ellen Painter Dollar) from the Evangelical Press Association in response to my article, ...

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