Who is at the Center of your Family?

I wrote last week about our upcoming move to a small boarding school in Connecticut, and I wrote about my fears related to that move, fears which focused upon Penny's schooling. As we were contemplating the move, a friend said, "I don't think you want to have a Penny-centered ...

A Good and Perfect Gift Reviews: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

has been "out there" for about two months now, and I've had my first string of readings and talks associated with it (and by the way, I fixed the link to the talk about perfection from earlier this week so you can now access it). Overall, the response has been a positive one, ...

Quick Family and Blog Archives Update

I wrote on Tuesday about missing Penny's Halloween party. She was very forgiving, but I also agreed to come to her school to read a book to her class. As soon as I showed up, she came to the door and said, "Mom, you missed the Halloween party."

I nodded. "But I'm here to read ...

We're Moving, or the Providence of God

My husband has a new job. It doesn't start until July, but he was recently appointed as Head of School at a small boarding school in Western Connecticut. In the early summer we will move to a 4,000 person town and settle down for the foreseeable future.

The job is exciting. The ...

Rethinking Perfection

Last Thursday night, I was invited to share my thoughts on the meaning of perfection in our culture at the City Church Forum in Richmond, VA. I tried to address three questions:

How does our culture understand perfection?

How have I—and in turn, you—unintentionally or inadvertently ...

I Missed the Halloween Party ?!?

Halloween. Never a holiday that brings out the best in me. Last year's Halloween post included my admission that I generally lean (heavily) upon my mother for costumes and decorations, including many a year where even the trick or treating occurred in her neighborhood. I remembered ...

I Don't Know How She Does It . . .

Marilee and I just returned from a 5 day road trip to Richmond, Virginia. We had a packed itinerary–two book readings on Wednesday night, talks to a women's Bible study on Thursday morning and a church forum Thursday night, participation in a "Maker's" series with other artists ...

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