Hodge Podge of Articles/Posts Worth Reading

I can't resist passing along a few articles worth reading, spanning topics of faith, family, and disability:

I'm probably just more aware of it than ever before (thanks again, Penny, for opening my eyes to a whole new world), but I feel as though every day I'm reading or hearing ...

Prayers for My Daughter on Her Sixth Birthday...

On the morning of Penny's birthday last Friday, I picked up my "prayer card" for her. It's a record of my hopes and dreams for her from the past year. It includes a verse from Psalm 1 that I've prayed for her more or less since she was born:

Blessed is the one who does not walk ...
How to Make Your Book a Best Seller...

Okay, it's a deceptive blog title. I have no idea how to make my book a best seller, and even if I had the time to try, I'm not sure I'd be willing to devote the energy. But I do know that two major factors in whether or not books continue to sell are 1) word of mouth (so if ...

All I Want for Christmas Is Some Sleep...

I used to think that infancy was the only time when sleep was a problem for parents. I was ready for a few months of getting up every few hours. I wasn't ready for years on end of interrupted slumber because someone has a cold or needs water or needs help going potty or is just ...

Following God Every Day

One of the wonders of the Christmas season is the opportunity to teach our kids the Christmas story. We've used a sticker-based Advent calendar this December, in which readings from the Bible correspond to a little poem and a sticker. Penny remembers the details from years past, ...

Designer Babies, Christmas, and A Good and Perfect Gift

Philip Ney has an essay discussing A Good and Perfect Gift in the current issue of Comment Magazine: "Whoever Welcomes This Child." (It's an essay about two books, including Amy Laura Hall's Conceiving Parenthood, and the whole piece is worth reading, but just so you know the ...

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, for Jesus Is Born

For a few years now, I've talked about "American Christmas" and "Christian Christmas," and I've decided that as a family we observe both. For American Christmas we sing songs about Santa and decorate the living room. For Christian Christmas we have a Birthday Party for Jesus ...

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