Why Did I Write A Good and Perfect Gift?

This interview appeared in a newsletter for Tiny Tots Therapy:

As an author & mother, what gave you the strength to share your personal story?

When Penny was diagnosed with Down syndrome a few hours after birth, I didn't know how to respond. Over the course of the next year, ...

Spirituality For Busy Moms, Tip #3: Get Some Rest

You're stressed out. You're overwhelmed. You're running to catch up. You're amazed that there is yet another load of laundry to fold. Or maybe I should be writing this in the first person. Here's the scenario of our past few days: Our babysitter is sick. William threw up (not ...

Prayers for Our Daughter on Her First Birthday

Marilee (pronounced "merrily") turns one today. As I wrote in our Christmas letter:

Her name fits her well, as she is the happiest baby we've ever known. We often remark that she must sneak out at night and take classes in how to be cute. She claps readily, giggles at her older ...
Thoughts and Questions from A Good and Perfect Gift

Cary Umhau, co-creator of a very cool website (and more) called Spacious, has written twice about A Good and Perfect Gift this past week. In her first post, "People with _________ just aren't my thing" she challenges herself, and her readers:

What I had to wrestle with while ...
Spirituality for Busy Moms, Tip #2: Involve Your Kids

Yesterday William looked out the window and said, "Mom, why did Jesus decide to make it rain this morning?"

I cocked my head. Not only was I unsure how to answer him, I also wondered where the question came from. "Well, I guess Jesus just thought it was a good day for rain." ...

Spirituality for Busy Moms (and Busy People)

Over the course of the next few weeks, I'm going to run a series of posts that offer thoughts for cultivating "religious spirituality" in the midst of our busy everyday lives. These thoughts are meant to serve as a companion (or maybe, for those of you who haven't read it, as ...

Worth Your Time

A few articles/posts/essays I've come across lately that you might enjoy:

My Brother's Valuable Life, by Cal Thomas, a reflection upon the value of his brother with Down syndrome: "No life is a failure when it causes so many to care for others. At that my brother ...

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