What Perfection and Prenatal Testing Have to do with Each Other

Last spring, I had the privilege of sharing some thoughts at the Q Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. I gave a talk about Penny, perfection, and prenatal testing. It's only 9 minutes long, but it summarizes things that I've spoken and written about before, but if you're interested, ...

The Intelligentsia and the R-WordWhy does the New York Times think it's okay to use the r-word?

What comes to mind when you hear the word "retarded"?

I'm going to guess that it strikes many readers of this blog as rude, if not offensive, because so many people within our culture use the word as a joke or a slur. It originated as a medical diagnosis for people with low IQ's ...

A Good and Perfect Gift, One Year Later . . . and the Next Book...the most rewarding part of writing a book is the emails and letters and one-on-one conversations with individuals who have responded

A friend of mine once mentioned the three stages of memoir writing. There's living it, writing it, and then reflecting with other people about it. A Good and Perfect Gift was published a little over a year ago, which probably means it's time to move on. But before I completely ...

How Do You Find a Boy With Autism Who is Lost in the Woods?

A friend passed along an amazing article about the search and rescue of Robert Wood Jr., a young boy with autism, who was lost in a Virginia park for five days last October: Catch Me If You Can. It's an amazing story, but what struck me most of all was that the man who ...

Are You Watching the Debates Tonight? Will They Talk About What Matters to You?I don’t think much about tax policy, job creation, teachers unions, national defense, or public health. And I suspect that neither Romney nor Obama spends much time thinking about chores and report cards and rusty minivans. I certainly hope they don’t.

My day as a mom doesn't involve much thought about our government. I think about packing lunches for school, wiping counters, getting our kids dressed in clothes that are somewhat appropriate for the weather outside. I think about how many minutes of television William (age ...

If Moving Almost Killed the Cat...I think the low point came when William spit at me...

... what has it done to the rest of my family?!?

I think I've mentioned that in the past seven weeks we've moved, twice. First into very temporary housing, and then, three weeks ago, into a rental house. We'll be here until February when we move into our permanent home.

Five days ...

Penny's Star DaysPenny and I prayed, I cupped my hands around the gift of trust she'd given me, and I scheduled a meeting with her teachers.

A few weeks ago, I asked Penny if she wanted me to pray for her before she went to sleep. She nodded. I said, "Is there anything you need God's help with?"

She nodded again, and in the dim light of the evening, she began to talk: "I don't line up in school at the right time."

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