Perfectly Human: My Perfect Life by Nancy Jo SullivanOne mother reflects on the pirfectly imperfect life of her daughter, Sara, who had Down syndrome. (Plus a book giveaway)

**Leave a comment on this post for the chance to win a copy of Nancy Jo Sullivan's new book, Small Mercies. I will announce the winner on Monday, November 26th.

What does a perfect life look like?

When I ponder this question, thoughts of Sarah come to mind.

She was ...

Learning How to Love My Kids, Again (or why I'm thankful for Veteran's day even though it means another day off of school)The morning started badly, but we're working it out as a family, I hope...

Our day started at 5:50, with William by my bedside. "Mommy, the only thing that will make me happy is if you give me a movie right now."

I squeezed my eyes shut. "William, is it six o'clock yet?"

"No. It was taking too long."

William knows two things: he is supposed to stay in ...

Perfectly Human: One Wonderful Life by Lisa WoolseyWith global developmental delays, you might expect Nora to be described as disabled. Her mother gives us all reason to describe Nora as wise and compassionate beyond her years...

My husband and I live in Michigan with our two children, Joshua (7) and Eleanor "Nora" (6).  When our son was born everything was perfect. I loved reading the "What to Expect in the First Year" book because Joshua met and exceeded every milestone. He talked early, walked early, ...

What I Will Teach My Children About Our PresidentMy kids don't know much about our president, and I'm glad they don't have to.

Yesterday, I tried to talk to my kids about the election.

William, who is four, was setting out a game based on Richard Scarry's Busytown. "So, William, do you know there's an election tomorrow?"

He shook his head.

"Do you know who our President is?"

"Obama," he said, without looking ...

The Candidate All Parents Should Vote For...What it would take to win the vote of all parents in 2016...

William woke up at 4:47 on Sunday morning, even though we kept them up late Saturday night (watching Peter Pan) in an attempt to beat the Daylight Savings beast at its own game. Marilee has been crying in the 5:00 or 5:30 range the past three mornings. Penny has made the transition ...

Halloween and HurricanesIn the past, I have said that Halloween is wasteful. I would still say that it is frivolous. But this year has made me grateful for frivolity, for the safety and comfort that allows families and communities to gather together and dress up and take pictures and giggle and eat candy.

I grew up in a household where every holiday deserved attention. Valentine's Day involved red heart-shaped ornaments with photos of me and my three sisters inside. At Thanksgiving, my mother brought out the stuffed pilgrims she had made by hand and the drawings we had done in ...

Worth Reading: On Halloween, Daily Choices, and Genetic Testing

Lovely post by Micah Boyett on remembering the saints: Jesus in Real Life: Halloween and Death and Celebrating the Saints

And a really thought-provoking and encouraging essay about the way our very small and daily choices make a profound difference in our lives, read Kate Harris' ...

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