Where is God When Children are Murdered Down the Road?We are supposed to be a community of good cheer and good will and instead we brush up against evil and fear and darkness.

On the heels of Jesus' birth story comes a story of violence and death. The narrative moves, quickly, away from glorious rejoicing to the slaughter of the innocents, in which every baby boy near Jesus' birthplace was murdered.

Another slaughter of innocents happened this morning. ...

Is There Reason to be Averse to Down Syndrome?I started to write about medical problems and the social construction of disability. But I ended up back where I always go, to Penny. And she answered the question better than any philosophical ideas ever could.

A few weeks ago, I asked, "Is Down syndrome Abnormal?" Although that post focused upon the reasons we might or might not want to use the term abnormal to describe Down syndrome, it led into a conversation through the comments section about whether or not there is any reason ...

Advent ReadingOne big, and four small, suggestions for Advent reading.

I bring it up every year, but I'll say it again. If you even think you might like a daily devotional (that doesn't even have to be daily, by the way) during Advent, buy God with Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Christmas. It includes reflections from the likes of Kathleen Norris ...

The God Who Walks Through the DoorIn my questions for God, I'm like my kids. Sometimes sincere in my doubts. Sometimes whiny, repetitive, insistent. Often not even asking God directly but allowing my doubts to protect me from talking to God, or listening to God, at all.

For the past decade or so, my brain has chipped away at my faith. I believe a credible intellectual defense of the basic tenets of Christianity exists. But I also think a credible intellectual defense of the basic tenets of atheism exists. And when I start to think about these ...

Investing in Hope

When Penny was born and we found out that she had Down syndrome, one of my earliest emotions was fear. In time, some of my specific fears abated. She didn't have any serious health problems or physical complications as an infant. We lived in New Jersey with easy access to the ...

I Wasn't Prepared for the Ordinary Hard Stuff, or Advent ArrivesIf I can make it through my mother-in-law's death, why does it feel as though I can't make it through my son's temper tantrum?

Our cat peed on our bed again last night.

Marilee had a fever over the weekend.

Penny dropped her glasses in the gravel outside our house last week, and it took all day to find them. She missed her bus.

William got mad that he needed to get dressed this morning and he whacked me ...

The Book I'm Giving Away This Christmas (an excerpt from Karen Swallow Prior's Booked)An excerpt (and book giveaway) with thoughts on disability, poetry, and faith from Karen Swallow Prior's gorgeous new memoir, Booked: Literature in the Soul of Me.

Spoiler alert for all my friends who were English majors in college: I'm buying you Karen Swallow Prior's Booked: Literature in the Soul of Me for Christmas this year. Karen is a fellow contributor to her.meneutics, the Christianity Today women's blog, and she is also the head ...

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