What I'm Reading and Tweeting (Sep 27, 2013)Novels, memoirs, articles about faith, disability, and culture, and what I listen to on my drive home from dropping the kids off at school...

Where I live, we don't get consistent cell phone service. Every day, I drive my kids to school for twelve minutes, and we talk and listen to music and observe the changing leaves and babbling brook. For the twelve minutes back, I used to try to listen to NPR, though the signal ...

Small Acts of Gratuitous Love: Friendship House in Durham"Our life together has already been filled with quite a bit of joyful gatherings: cookouts, magnet-making projects, cleaning alongside one another, playing card games, praying the Psalms, ping pong at Fullsteam, and most recently a baked ziti feast... It is becoming terribly clear that my flourishing is bound up in the flourishing of each of my fellow community members."

On Sept. 22, Friendship House, a home that offers Duke Divinity School students and people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD)  the opportunity to live together in community, officially opened. In each of four apartments, three students live with one resident ...

"Laughter is Carbonated Holiness"

Anne Lamott said it, not I, but I know the truth of which she speaks.

The wheels came off the vehicle that is our family yesterday. Marilee was up late and awake early. William was up for an hour in the middle of the night in eager anticipation of the tooth fairy. I was restless ...

His Face is Aglow with Hope: How the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Shaped Our Difficult Day

It is Sunday. Peter is away for the night. It has been a hard day. Marilee has a fever and an ear infection. William misses his dad and has erupted into tears more than once. Penny has been unable to control her impulses–she can't get a door to close so she slams it again and ...

What I'm Reading and TweetingThe books on my bedside table and recommended articles from the past week...

I finished reading Wonder, by RJ Palacio, which I loved. I won't take the time to review it in full right now, but it is the story of a young boy named Auggie with a severe facial deformity who enters 5th grade at a local private school in Manhattan. You can imagine what it's ...

Quote of the Week: Anne Lamott

"My pastor Veronica says, 'Peace is joy at rest and joy is peace on its feet.'"

–from Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith

Some Thoughts on Trying to Become a Super-Mom"It feels very strange, to be this mom who thinks ahead and offers relatively healthy eating options and models moderately healthy holistic habits of spirituality and physical activity and rest. Um, do you hate me yet? Because a year ago, I would have hated me."

We've gotten through our transition year. It took us four moves to get here, but we are in this house to stay. The kids are back to school and they all seem happy and well adjusted. We still have the normal ear infections and toenail cutting and sibling bickering, but all in ...

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