A Smattering of Posts Worth Reading: Infertility, Weddings, and a Little Boy with Down Syndrome Who Died Last Week

A post by Joanna Goddard that describes the struggle of infertility: What if You Can't Have a Baby? Especially if you are struggling with infertility or trying to understand a friend in this position, Goddard's post might be a helpful guide. I resonated with these words as I ...

A Good and Perfect Gift Update plus Giveaway

Over the course of the past few weeks, Patheos has featured A Good and Perfect Gift on the Patheos Book Club. Click here to read an excerpt, Q and A, etc. In addition, they featured four bloggers who reflected on the book:

Jennifer Grant, "The Nature of Love Is to Expand," who ...

One of Those Days . . .

Tuesday morning started at 5:30, with a text from our babysitter explaining that she couldn't come in that day due to a death in the family. I got up shortly thereafter, made breakfast, got myself and the kids dressed, packed Penny's lunch, made sure everyone had clean teeth ...

What I Learned From Raising A Child With Down Syndrome (So Far) on Parents.com

I have a new post on The Goody Blog for  Parents Magazine called "What I Learned from Raising a Child with Down syndrome." It could also be called, "What I Learned from Raising a Child," even if the "lessons" have been more pronounced due to Penny's extra chromosome. That's ...

New Post at NYTimes.com/Motherlode: Has Down Syndrome Hurt Us?

I have a new post on Motherlode, the parenting blog of the New York Times: "Has Down Syndrome Hurt Us?". (Incidentally, for those of you who love the content of Motherlode and read it regularly, as I do, Lisa Belkin, the editor, is moving to the Huffington Post. I'm hoping to ...

Asking the Wrong Questions about Down syndrome

A few weeks back someone asked me, "When did you know there was something wrong with your baby?" I hesitated for a moment before answering, because I'm not convinced that there was something wrong with my baby. I think he meant, "When did you find out Penny had Down syndrome?" ...

Two Stories of Down Syndrome

I've written before about the two stories circulating in our culture about Down syndrome. There's the prenatal testing story, which suggests that fewer and fewer children with Down syndrome are being and will be born as women choose to terminate their pregnancies once they discover ...

Kicking the Habit: Why Worship May Be the Antidote to Addiction

I have a review of Kent Dunnington's new book, Addiction and Virtue: Beyond Models of Disease and Choice in this month's Christianity Today magazine: "The Antidote to Alcohol and Drug Addiction." It begins:

A friend of mine, let's call him Bob, was a faithful ...
Advice for Raising a Child with Down Syndrome

I'm working on an article for Parents.com which will offering advice about raising a child with Down syndrome. I have my list of bullet-points that I would offer, but I'm curious what you all would say. If you are the parent of a child with Down syndrome (or a child with special ...

Fanatics and Faithfulness

I had the chance to hear Tim Keller speak last weekend on "The Gospel in a Pluralist Society." It was a great talk, in which he referenced theologian Lesslie Newbigen's book by the same name. At the end of his talk, someone asked whether Christians must be fanatics. He replied ...

Penny Goes to Kindergarten, Three Weeks In . . .

Penny woke up every morning the first week of kindergarten and looked at me eagerly, "I get to go to kindergarten again?" Her tone held a mixture of incredulity and delight.

We've settled into a morning routine–pack lunch and a snack, make breakfast, get dressed. She and William ...

Prone to Wander

"Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" is one of my very favorite hymns. We sang it during Penny's baptism, and I'd happily insert it into every other monumental worship service, from weddings to funerals. It's honest and hopeful and beautiful. I sang it again recently, and I was ...

What People Are Saying About A Good and Perfect Gift

I thought you might be interested in a few reviews of A Good and Perfect Gift that came in over the course of the past few days:

First, from the Oregonian, a review by Amy Wang. She writes:

"A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations, and a Little Girl Named Penny," Amy Julia ...
Grieving the Loss of a Hypothetical Child

I grieved after Penny was born. I wish it weren't true, but I can't deny it. I know, I know. It was a normal response, and I needed to go through it in order for things to change. Actually, one of the most challenging aspects of writing A Good and Perfect Gift was revisiting ...

All the Things I Meant to Write, and a Nice Mini-Review of A Good and Perfect Gift

Here's a list of the blog posts I meant to write this week (the picture, by the way, is fun enough that I had hoped to come up with some creative something to say about it. I never got that far, so you just get the picture instead):

"What's wrong with my daughter? I'm no long ...

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