Small Church Ministry
7 Reasons Small Churches Are An Essential Part Of The Body Of Christ
Small churches have an amazing capacity to bounce back over and over again.
7 Reasons Small Churches Are An Essential Part Of The Body Of Christ
Image: Jess | Flickr

The body of Christ is made up of many parts.

Various denominations, liturgies, styles, and sizes.

And nowhere is that variety more evident, more delightful or (let’s be honest) more frustrating than in the amazing menagerie of small churches.

Big churches matter. Medium-size ...

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Church & Culture
Is Your Church Targeting A Demographic Group? Here Are 6 Reasons You Need To Stop
Seeing people as members of a group may be great for attendance, but it’s not good for discipleship.
Is Your Church Targeting A Demographic Group? Here Are 6 Reasons You Need To Stop
Image: comedynose | Flickr

For many years, church growth experts taught pastors how to do ministry by demographic groups. Decide the type of person your church is targeting, then design everything you do to reach that kind of person.

There were a lot of big churches built that way. And a lot of small churches ...

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Church Leadership
Are You Called To Be A Small Church Pastor Or A Big Church Pastor?
Three simple assessments that can give you an idea about the size of church you may be best suited to serve.
Are You Called To Be A Small Church Pastor Or A Big Church Pastor?
Image: Green Chameleon | Unsplash

Some pastors are called to do ministry in a big church. But most are called to small church ministry.

So how do you know which one you’re called to? Is there a way to figure this out without trying and failing at one or the other?

In my decades of personal ministry experience ...

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Church & Culture
Want More Christian Influence? Get Off Facebook And Talk To Actual People
We can be loud, or we can be heard. We can seldom do both.
Want More Christian  Influence? Get Off Facebook And Talk To Actual People
Image: Headway | Unsplash

If we want to be heard by a lot of people, we can make our opinion known on social media. The angrier and more controversial, the more responses we’ll get. But we won’t really be changing anyone’s mind, just reaffirming what they already (think they) know.

If ...

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Innovative Ministry
How To Tell If A Church Is Too Big – Or Too Small
It’s never about the size of the church. It’s about the size of the mission.
How To Tell If A Church Is Too Big – Or Too Small
Image: @noguidebook | Unsplash

Can a church be too big?


Can a church be too small?

Also, yes.

Does that mean there’s an ideal size for a church?


No Ideal Size

While there may be an ideal size for a specific type of ministry, a certain location, or a particular leadership style, there’s no overall ...

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When The Small Church Pastor's Biggest Critic Is In Our Mirror
Small church pastors can’t get mad at others for looking down on us when we keep looking down on ourselves.
When The Small Church Pastor's Biggest Critic Is In Our Mirror
Image: Fares Hamouche | Unsplash

Small churches and their pastors seldom get the credit they deserve.

Including from small church pastors ourselves.

Yes, it’s true. Often the biggest critics of small churches and the people who pastor them are staring at us in our mirror.

What Am I Doing Wrong?

Too many small ...

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Innovative Ministry
Great Churches Don’t Give People (Including Pastors) What They Want
Great churches don’t promise more of what we already have, they show us an entirely new way to be.
Great Churches Don’t Give People (Including Pastors) What They Want
Image: Olga Ferrer Saladié | Flickr

Henry Ford famously said “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

Today, if you were to ask the average pastor what they want, most would probably say “a bigger church.”

And if you asked the average Christian what they ...

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