Innovative Ministry
I Just Subscribed To More Than 100 Church YouTube Channels – Here’s Why You Should, Too
Here's a simple way to help online churches reach even more people through YouTube.
I Just Subscribed To More Than 100 Church YouTube Channels – Here’s Why You Should, Too
Image: Szabo Victor | Unsplash

We’re all doing church online now.

If your church is new to this, and you’re putting your church on YouTube, your YouTube URL looks something like this:

What you want is something like this:

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Church Leadership
When You’re Trying To Lead Others, But You’re Barely Holding On
A lot of people in positions of leadership are working hard to fight off feelings of helplessness right now.
When You’re Trying To Lead Others, But You’re Barely Holding On
Image: X) | Unsplash

This is harder than I expected.

No, I’m not sick. And none of my loved ones are. So, for those of you who are sick or who are dealing with the illness or (God forbid) the death of a loved one, I cannot imagine your burden.

But even for those of us who are simply being asked ...

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Church & Culture
Why Untrustworthy Leadership Is Not Just Bad, But Deadly
This is not a call to trust our leaders. It’s a call for leaders to be more trustworthy.
Why Untrustworthy Leadership Is Not Just Bad, But Deadly
Image: Jehyun Sung | Unsplash

The most important aspect of leadership is not competence, communication or innovation.

It’s integrity.

When we can’t trust our leaders, life can turn really bad, really fast. Even deadly.

We’re seeing it in real time right now. The current COVID-19 (coronavirus) ...

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Innovative Ministry
So Your Small Church Live-Stream Stinks – Here’s Why That’s Okay
If you want to make a real difference, don’t get bogged down in the details of video streaming.
So Your Small Church Live-Stream Stinks – Here’s Why That’s Okay
Image: Priscilla Du Preez | Unsplash

Just about every church is live-streaming their services now.

Necessity being the mother of invention (and adaptation), we’re all doing what we have to do.

Churches with pre-existing live-stream technology are learning how to conduct their service from an empty room, while ...

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Church & Culture
5 Guidelines For Using Humor In A Time Of Crisis (Or Not)
If you're not sure, don't post it. You’ll never regret the joke you don’t tell.
5 Guidelines For Using Humor In A Time Of Crisis (Or Not)
Image: Joe Ciciarelli | Unsplash

(Photo: Justin humorously explains social distancing, but laughs so hard that he and Manuel forget not to touch their faces.)

Humor is gift from God.


The ability to laugh, even (especially?) during a crisis is an important way to find relief and share community.

But knowing ...

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Church & Culture
Quarantined? 17 Ideas To Keep Your Body, Mind And Spirit Strong
This is a serious and difficult time. Quarantines are hard. But we can do more than endure, we can step up and be strong.
Quarantined? 17 Ideas To Keep Your Body, Mind And Spirit Strong
Image: Jose Aljovin | Unsplash

Over the next few weeks there will be a lot of people quarantined in their homes in an all-out attempt to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

This is cause for concern, but it need not be a cause for fear. Especially if we prepare well for it.

But what exactly can ...

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Christian Unity
No, The New CDC Guidelines Are Not A "Win" For Small Churches
We should all look forward to the day when churches of all sizes are able to gather again.
No, The New CDC Guidelines Are Not A "Win" For Small Churches
Image: Karl Fredrickson | Ungroup

As of today, the CDC has recommended that all gatherings of 50 or more people should be canceled for the next 8 weeks.

Small church win, right?


No one wins in this.

No “I told you so’s”

As a long-time proponent of the value of small churches, you might think ...

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