Marlena Graves

Marlena Graves

Marlena Graves (M.Div. Northeastern Seminary in Rochester, NY) is also a by-lined writer for Christianity Today's Her.meneutics Blog. Her writing has appeared in Relevant, The Clergy Journal, and other venues as well. She is grateful to have been a member of the Renovare Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation. Her book, A Beautiful Disaster:Finding Hope in the Midst of Brokenness (Brazos Press), will be out in June of 2014. You can catch up with her at her here:

My Depression Is Not Wasted
What Gillian Marchenko learned when mental illness mixed with ministry
My Difficult Past Makes Me a Better Leader
The very things I saw as weaknesses, I now see as strengths.
The Surprising Power of Our Weakest Moments
In God’s hands, crosses become instruments of life-giving grace
Christian Celebrity
A dual temptation winks at every leader
3 Temptations of Leadership: Envy
It’s just one of the respectable sins we find easy to hide while it poisons us
3 Temptations of Leadership: Pride
Watch out for the many faces of this destructive sin
3 Temptations of Leadership: Abuse of Power
Often masked as something else, the sin of leaders can hide in plain sight
The “Gender Ghetto” in the Church
In a world of hurt, is fighting for a place at the table worth our time?

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