How to Prepare for Speaking at a Conference
What Iā€™ve learned from 15 years of speaking at various events.
How to Prepare for Speaking at a Conference
Image: iStock

All I remember is saying an emphatic yes—over and over again.

I couldn’t believe my luck: 23-year old me had been asked to be the keynote speaker at a weekend conference. But as months went by and the event got closer, my usual last-minute way of operating in life ...

Should You Take on More?
5 questions to decide if projects outside your role are right for you
Should You Take on More?
Image: iStock

How often do you hear requests like this:

  • Can you help us?
  • You would be perfect to lead this.
  • It won’t take long.
  • We need you!

As leaders, these tempt us to say “yes” to projects beyond our regular responsibilities. Since many extracurricular opportunities in ministry ...

Five Ways to Invest in the Next Generation of Leaders
Practical tips for raising up more women in ministry
Five Ways to Invest in the Next Generation of Leaders
Image: iStock

Editor’s Note: In honor of International Women’s Day today, we’re publishing this practical article on developing the next generation of women leaders for ministry. Whatever your role, young women in your church are looking to you as a role model. What a privilege ...

Six Tips for Taking Center Stage
Make a smooth transition from associate to lead pastor.
Six Tips for Taking Center Stage
Image: iStock

With the last child in college, I dreamed of spontaneous weekend getaways with my husband. I planned out more hours for writing. I suddenly had a clean house all the time. It was my time. I could have nice things.

Then our lead pastor left for another position, and I (the associate) ...

3 Questions to Ask a Counselor Before You Get Started
How to discern if he or she is the right person to counsel you
3 Questions to Ask a Counselor Before You Get Started

Women face unique issues in leadership, and it’s okay to meet with a counselor to work through them. In my role as a ministry leader at a Christian college, I found myself in tears as I described to a colleague the significant toll the ministry I coordinate takes on me. ...

No More Frenemies in Ministry
Rather than see other women leaders as competition, we can serve as advocates and allies for one another.
No More Frenemies in Ministry

Daytime TV talk shows remain something of an occasional guilty pleasure for me, but on this particular afternoon it was essential viewing. After all, it was a TV world exclusive, an interview that had needed to happen for over a decade. It was actually more intimate than an ...

Love Thy (Immigrant) Neighbor
Women leaders play a unique role in helping refugees and immigrants settle into the community.
Love Thy (Immigrant) Neighbor

Today’s headlines say a lot about refugees and immigrants. Yet not much of what we read adequately prepares us to effectively facilitate their transition to American life once they settle down in our neighborhoods. What can we as church leaders do when they come to us ...

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