Self-Control for the Sake of Ministry
What does it mean to say ā€œnoā€ to ourselves on behalf of those we serve and influence?
Self-Control for the Sake of Ministry
Image: iStock

This past week I was in an ordination workshop. The class was made up of people in the process of being recognized as set apart for the ministry of shepherding God’s flock. What this all means is still being worked out both for me and for my church. For the record, I have ...

Where Have All the Lamenters Gone?
No one laments more than God, so why do we as leaders feel pressure to keep a happy face?
Where Have All the Lamenters Gone?
Image: iStock

Would King David be hired as your church’s worship pastor?

Would you share the pulpit with the weeping prophet Jeremiah?

How would the church staff respond to Nehemiah’s public display of sorrow during a staff meeting?

I don’t know how it happened to us, but somewhere ...

My Place in the Pulpit
Approaching that giant piece of furniture shook loose all my insecurities, doubts, and fears.
My Place in the Pulpit
Image: iStock

It was Saturday night, the night before I would give my first sermon, my first real sermon behind a real pulpit in front of a real congregation. Following the sermon, the congregation would vote, as dictated by our polity, on whether to hire me as a co-lead pastor alongside ...

The Problem with Being an Authentic Leader
The delicate balance of authenticity and confidentiality in leadership.
The Problem with Being an Authentic Leader
Image: iStock

Coco Chanel put it best: “Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity.” The political and marketing arenas have picked up on this need to be genuine. Entrepreneur Magazine exposed the trend of millennial women using the power of the purse to send a message, ...

Use Your Strength to Serve Others
How to gracefully embrace your role as the strongest person in the room
Use Your Strength to Serve Others
Image: iStock

There I was, halfway through a meeting, when I suddenly realized I had done it again. Without meaning to, I’d become the de facto leader of the group, and everyone was looking at me. I could see clearly that everyone realized I was now in charge. But they weren’t ...

A Dream Becomes Reality
Cathy Loerzel founded The Allender Center to help people find healing from abuse and trauma.
A Dream Becomes Reality
Image: Talitha Bullock

In the battle for restoration and redemption, you want Cathy Loerzel on your side. She is a woman of fierce compassion, an incredibly sharp creative mind, and the will and strength to get things done. She has the sparkle of conviction and ambition in her eyes. She is a force. ...

When Others Question Your Leadership
Parents in my childrenā€™s ministry questioned my authority because I wasnā€™t a mom.
When Others Question Your Leadership
Image: iStock

Fresh out of graduate school and looking like I had just graduated from high school, I jumped into a church staff role as director of children’s ministry. I had the education, the prior internship, and the experience working with kids. I was ready to make an impact. But ...

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