Easily Distracted

My eight-year-old daughter and I share a fault: we are both easily distracted. While on her way to washing her hands, it's not unusual for her to get interested in something she passes along the way to the bathroom. She pauses, engages, and forgets to wash her hands. ...

Unconditional Love

As Christians we're commanded to love our neighbors, our enemies, and—as leaders—the people we're called to lead and minister to. But what does this look like when we're not exactly loved in return?

By definition, of course, godly, unconditional ...

What Would Mary Blog?

When I started my consulting business, I did the obvious thing: I put up a website describing my services. Pretty standard fare. I recall a colleague calling a website an "authenticator" for a small business: you don't have one, you don't look legit.

Five ...

Finding God in the Chatter

Last Friday evening, a casual outdoor party in my neighborhood culminated with a half-dozen girls sprawled across my living room. As they compared splits and talked about the upcoming school year, I held skinny feet in the air as each attempted the perfect handstand. I remarked ...

What We're Asked to Change

During a recent breakfast meeting, an apparently well-meaning supporter of my husband's campaign for State Representative told him that he really should've changed his name "like the Jews used to do" if he's serious about politics. It's a racist ...

Advent Redux

I've spent much of this week thinking about Advent–-as I've brainstormed some ideas for an upcoming Advent service at my church. I had it in my head–and in fact had it partly written on paper–to write a piece on Advent. But every time I thought of ...

Jesus in the World of Worthless Daughters

"Thank you, Mother, for raising a worthless daughter."

These words , part of a lament of a bride going to meet her husband for the first time, summed up the experience of women in China in the 1800's, according to Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. In this book ...

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