Women Telling the Story

Without dispute, women's voices in the local church have incredible significance, as these voices give way to a greater understanding of how women think and experience God and the Christian life. Any dispute generally has to do with the realm where these voices are heard, ...

Modern Mentorship

My cell phone buzzes while I fix my kids lunch:

"omg my prof is telling us bout why Christians are judgmentl and there are many paths to God should I say something?? pls pray for me to b bold"

This is a text message I received from one of my favorite people: ...

Juggling Casseroles and a Calling

I preached a sermon several weeks ago. A big one for me. The biggest of my life actually. And while I do my very best not to mess up on a regular basis, we all know that some occasions press a little harder on your nervous system than others. This was one of them. "Just ...

Let's Talk About Sex

No matter where you are, they will find you. Flip on the television to watch your favorite show, there they are. Go to the supermarket and buy your groceries at the checkout stand, there they are. Drive down the freeway, there they are. Turn on the radio in the car or your ...

Learning Curves

If my life had a theme for 2009 it was this: Learning curves. Specifically, learning curves of the steep and tricky, zippy, herky-jerky type. Though this theme wouldn't have occurred to me if it weren't for the sales guy at the Apple store yesterday. I had gone because ...

Justice in Real Life

My life gets crazy. I'm a mom. I have diapers to change, groceries to buy, and lunches to make. I'm a writer, a speaker and a church leader. I have things to write, talks to give, and issues to raise. Between keeping up with the kids, paying the bills, and following ...

Lead Like...the Amish?

A month or so ago, Suzanne Woods Fisher sent me a copy of her new book, Amish Peace, with a note that said, "The chapter called ‘For the Good of the Community' might have some leadership applications for GFL."

Although I was a bit skeptical on what a book ...

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