And Then There Were None
Three things to do when people leave your small group

Groups. We've all been in one where the numbers keep whittling down until it's just you and the leader left.

When you're the one leading, what do you do if people start leaving yours?

1. Don't freak out. This does not stamp you with the World's Worst ...

Five Tips for Creating a Mentor Program
The key to cultivating exceptional leaders

Things change continually in ministry, for better and worse. One area that seems to have improved drastically over the past 15 years or so, though, is the emphasis placed on mentoring and its role in creating fully engaged employees.

Being good stewards of resources goes ...

Developing a Divine Appetite
What makes us hungry for God?

As leaders, it's so easy to get distracted by the demands on our everydayā€“the deadlines, the unforeseen circumstances that sap our time and energy. In the midst of our packed schedules, we can find ourselves chasing after that which is most pressing rather than that which is ...

I Was a Reverse Discriminator
My gender-based policy revealed my spirit of fear

It would take a lot for me to change my mind about allowing men to be alone with my children.

Seven years counseling women recovering from all kinds of horrors experienced at the hands of men, a season that coincided with my first seven years of motherhood, instilled in ...

IRS Increases Mileage Rate

The Internal Revenue Service announced it has increased the optional standard mileage rate that employers can use to reimburse employees who drive personal vehicles for business purposes.

The IRS increased the rate to 55.5 cents per mile for travel occurring between July ...

What Shape Are You In?
A routine check-up for managing all of our life roles

When I start to feel drained of energy, or when I snap at people or feel resentful when I'm asked to help, these are my clues that my life is out of shape. Usually saying yes to too many opportunities is what pushes me over the edge. When life starts feeling like it's ...

4 Tips for Time Off
Making the most of vacations
4 Tips for Time Off

One of the things I tend to neglect (and I know many leaders who struggle with this as well) is fully utilizing vacation time. I underestimate the value of rejuvenation that happens when I disconnect my mind from my usual routine and responsibility. I too easily miss the importance ...

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