Facebook Pages vs. Groups
Two ways to keep your church connected

So you want to get your church into the Facebook social media world? But, alas, some well-meaning individual in the church has already created a Facebook page on behalf of the church.

Sigh. This can be really frustrating, when multiple Facebook Pages and Groups exist for one ...

The ā€œGender Ghettoā€ in the Church
In a world of hurt, is fighting for a place at the table worth our time?

In a recent article in the Huffington Post, Cathleen Falsani asks readers to list three of the top evangelical women leaders under sixty. Falsani contends it's hard to do and the title of her post suggests the reason why: "Jesus is Still Surrounded By Too Many Men." ...

Leading Absent
How your team does without you says a lot about you

"The test of your leadership is not what happens when you're there, but what happens when you're NOT there." Ken Blanchard

Just reading that quote makes me a bit anxious. How about you? Have you ever found yourself creating exhaustive notes for your team ...

John Stott Remembered
How did this great evangelical leader affect your life?

Gifted for Leadership's parent site ChristianityToday.com has run several stories following the death of John Stott, long-time theologian and evangelical leader.

According to their recent article, "Global Reactions to John Stott's Death," "His death ...

5 Things Iā€™ve Learned in Ministry
Rookie year reflections

Next month marks my one year anniversary of working in paid ministry. It's been a year full of joy, surprises, and challenges of all kinds. Here are five things I've learned in my rookie year:

1. If it was easy, it wouldn't be leadership.

I wasn't expecting every decision that ...

Is Michele Bachmann the Right Person for President?
Margaret Feinberg speaks out in The Washington Post

GiftedforLeadership.com writer Margaret Feinberg recently contributed to The Washington Post in a roundtable discussion on the issue of biblical submission, servant leadership, women leaders, and the changes taking place in conservative Christianity. Her article looks at ...

Trouble with Authority
You're bound to be tested

It didn't take long to face opposition once I started a career in ministry. Of course, I had a lot of strikes against me from the start. First of all, I was young, fresh out of college, and in my first-ever paid ministry role. On top of that, I was a woman, the only woman serving ...

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