Why Strong Women Donā€™t Get Respect
It starts with what we say about ourselves

"Must be my hormones again."

"Oh, it's just estrogen."

"I'm just a chick with a bad thyroid."

These are the kinds of things I hear women in high-profile positions say about themselves—and by extension, about all women.

Recently, ...

4 Creative Ways to Thank Volunteers
Keep them coming back after the holidays
4 Creative Ways to Thank Volunteers

'Tis the season—the season when church leaders and volunteers feel the squeeze of work and family life. From Christmas cards to gift wrapping to party planning, Christmas adds a new dimension to our already hectic lives.

And then there's church! For weeks, volunteers ...

Bringing Justice to Bangladesh
How one young leader discovered a piece of Godā€™s heart

When Sarah Aulie travelled to India in her mid-20s, she went seeking direction and clarity. Like so many of her post-college peers, she wasn't sure what path her life should take. While she was in India, though, a series of unplanned events unfoldedā€“experiences that changed ...

Caring for Our Souls at Christmastime
Say no to busyness, and yes to quiet waiting and wondering
Caring for Our Souls at Christmastime

The emails flying back and forth create a picture, comical yet somehow sad: "Would love to see you all, but can't do tomorrow, maybe the 10th?" and "I can't do the 10th, how about the 19th?"

Five of us, my closest girlfriends, are trying to find a ...

How Did Jesus Teach?
The answer helps me keep my ambition in check

Recently, a friend shared a conversation she'd had with another woman in leadership. "All she talked about is how no one will support her preaching, and how she's having a hard time getting ordained. Not once did she talk about serving, or call, or God's direction."

Ambition ...

4 Ways to Prevent Unintentional Gossip
Take care when telling other peopleā€™s stories

Sometimes I'm taken aback by how much gossip has become an acceptable part of our culture. Whether it's learning the 411 on the celebrity of the hour or following the latest political gossip on Twitter, it's hard to turn on the television or walk through the checkout ...

Embracing Weakness
It pays to be honest about our shortcomings

Christian leaders love to talk about strengths. Want proof? Just ask your pastor to list her spiritual gifts, talk about his areas of passion, or tell you her Myers-Briggs profile (any other ENTJ's out there?). You're sure to get an enthusiastic response. But ask that same leader ...

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