Exciting News for eReaders
Itā€™s a new day for book lovers

"I don't think I'm going to buy this book. I don't want it taking up space in our house."

You never would have heard me say that two years ago. I'm a book lover. I love books for how they help me learn, explore the world, consider ideas, discover new places, get inside the minds ...

Leadership, the AA Way
Getting real and leading authentically

I used to think Alcoholics Anonymous was all stale prayers and smoky church basements. I considered myself a distant admirer of the program, but even as a counselor, I didn't want to get too close. AA was a good idea for some people, but surely it wasn't relevant ...

Top 10 in 2011
A list of the most popular GFL content in 2011—and a re-introduction to a new editor

I know it's a little late to be serving up a 2011 retrospective. The new year? That was so three weeks ago.

Well, I would have done this earlier, but we've been making a big transition here at Gifted for Leadership, and quite honestly, it's taken me a few weeks ...

Fear Not the Old Testament
We must embrace and teach the first two-thirds of the Bible

The Bible I've owned since college is coffee-spill-stained, underlined in a rainbow of colors, re-bound with packing tape. Margin notes sit like altars erected along the journey, commemorating encounters with God.

A curious phenomenon: pages of the last third of this ...

Lonely Leadership
Communityā€™s not just a good idea—itā€™s essential!
Lonely Leadership

I walked off the stage, the title to my presentation—Community in Leadership—in bold at the top of my speaking notes. I had just spent 40 minutes convincing women leaders of the power and importance of being intimately involved in community with others.

Ironically, ...

New Yearā€™s Anti-Resolution: Stop Setting Goals
Why I plan to live with less intention
New Yearā€™s Anti-Resolution: Stop Setting Goals
Image: Photo by EstƩe Janssens on Unsplash

My New Year's resolution this year is unusual, really more of an anti-resolution. My hope is to become less intentional.

Less intentional, you ask? Why on earth would a person want that? I'll explain.

I'm a strategist by nature. I process things rationally, assessing ...

When the Passion Fades
Is this a sign that God wants us to quit?

I'm in the midst of leading a project I don't feel particularly passionate about. It didn't start out this way. I launched into it with great enthusiasm. I was confident I was following God's will by pursuing the project, but as time has passed and I've ...

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