3 Temptations of Leadership: Abuse of Power
Often masked as something else, the sin of leaders can hide in plain sight

I remember sitting at the lunch table with one of my friends in college when he dropped a bomb on me: "I'd say that at least 50 percent of the Bible majors are addicted to porn."

"What? You mean to tell me that half of those seeking to be pastors are addicted to porn?"

"Yes," ...

If Your Heart Is Right, Ignore the Critics
We have no reason to apologize for using our gifts.
If Your Heart Is Right, Ignore the Critics
Image: Daryn Stumbaugh | Unsplash

Ambition is complicated. When related to material things it sounds like greed, so we often take the idea of "bigger and more" in our lives and boil it all down to sin. We sit in the back like my friend Jamie, who aches to dream, but says, "It always seems easier ...

Top 10 in 2013
A list of our most popular reads last year

Happy New Year!

Let me be among the first to welcome you to 2014. This year, God has plans and purposes for you, works he has long planned for you to do (Ephesians 2:10). I trust you will dedicate this new year to God and resolve to do life and ministry in his name, through the ...

Giving Others the Freedom to Leave
Letting go requires compassion and self-discipline

She was leaving. I stood in my kitchen, away from the laughter ringing in the living room, and listened as a woman from our small group explained her decision. Six months earlier, she and her husband had jumped into our group, eager to connect and serve. But now they'd decided ...

Women Leading in a New Era
An interview with leadership consultant Nancy Ortberg

Formerly on staff at Willow Creek, leadership consultant Nancy Ortbergā€”also a speaker and authorā€”is currently leading on staff at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. She talked with GFL about being in churches that don't recognize women in leadership, the intersection of passion ...

Understanding Godā€™s Heart for Justice
An interview with Stephan Bauman, President & CEO of World Relief
Understanding Godā€™s Heart for Justice

Since its inception, World Relief has been a convening organization of the Justice Conference, which seeks to impact a generation for justice. It was my pleasure to sit down with World Relief's CEO, Stephan Bauman, to discuss justice, the way we perceive people, and our ...

Lead Me On: Dodging Dogma
Like Moses, I must resist the temptation to add my own requirements to Godā€™s
Lead Me On: Dodging Dogma

Over a holiday dinner once, I heard one family member tell another that drinking wine was forbidden by Jesus.

"Forbidden?" the first person asked.

Here we go, I thought.

"Forbidden," the second person said.

"Wasn't Jesus' first miracle turning water ...

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